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Asbestos and Renovations

Interior of a home being remodeled

The Crucial Role of Asbestos Removal During a Home Remodel

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Remodeling a home is an exciting venture, but it can also unearth hidden hazards. One such hazard prevalent in older homes is asbestos. In Salt Lake City, UT, before diving into a home renovation, it’s imperative to consider asbestos testing and removal. Here’s why Asbestos Abatement Services stands as your trusted partner in ensuring a safe remodeling process.

Asbestos in Older Homes

Many homes built before the 1980s in Salt Lake City have asbestos-containing materials. These materials, once disturbed, can pose severe health risks to inhabitants. Before any remodel, asbestos testing is crucial. It determines the presence of this hazardous material and informs the necessary next steps.

Choosing the Right Asbestos Removal Company

Your safety is paramount. Selecting a trusted and experienced asbestos removal company ensures that asbestos is handled and removed with utmost care.

The Asbestos Removal Process

Understanding the steps involved in asbestos removal helps homeowners be prepared. From containment to disposal, it’s a meticulous process that prioritizes safety.

Asbestos Abatement: More Than Just Removal

Asbestos abatement goes beyond mere removal. It’s a comprehensive approach to manage the risk associated with asbestos, ensuring a safe environment post-removal.

Post-Removal Safety Measures

After asbestos removal, certain safety measures need to be in place to ensure the home is safe for habitation and future renovations.

Are you planning a home remodel in Salt Lake City, UT? Don’t leave safety to chance. Trust the experts at Asbestos Abatement Services for comprehensive asbestos testing and removal. Ensure your dream home is free from hidden hazards.

A renovation worker removing kitchen wall tile during a home improvement project

How to Safely Remove Hazardous Materials During Demolition?

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Salt Lake City in Utah is a beautiful place to live, but if you’re considering demolishing an old home or commercial building, you need to be aware of the potential hazards.

If you’re planning on building demolition – commercial & residential, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure the safety of everyone involved. One of the most important aspects of demolition is hazardous material removal from the site. It includes asbestos, lead paint, and other toxins. 

A professional offers comprehensive hazardous material removal services for commercial and residential properties in Salt Lake City, UT.

Why Should You Ensure Hazardous Materials are Removed Before Building Demolition?

Building Safety – It is important to deploy asbestos/hazardous material testing before demolition to maintain a safe environment for workers and pedestrians.

Health and Environmental Concerns – Dangerous materials like asbestos can pose a serious health risk if not removed properly.

Prevent Contamination – Hazardous materials can easily contaminate the surrounding soil and water if not handled correctly.

Compliance With Regulations – Most municipalities have strict regulations governing the proper removal of hazardous materials before demolition.

Keep Your Crew Safe – Working around dangerous materials can be very risky, so it is essential to take all necessary precautions to protect your crew members.

Avoid Costly Fines – Fines for violating hazardous material removal regulations can be substantial, so taking care of this task before demolition is wise.

How Can Experts Help with Hazardous Material Removal for Demolition?

Pre-Demolition Planning: A comprehensive plan includes a hazardous material survey before starting any demolition project. 

Asbestos Abatement/Removal: It involves the removal of asbestos-containing materials before demolishing a building with tools like floor scrapers and power saws.

Collection and Removal of Asbestos Material: Professionals use high-efficiency vacuums with HEPA filters to collect and dispose of asbestos fibers.

Cleanup and Disposal of Hazardous Waste: All hazardous waste must be cleaned up and disposed of properly to avoid contaminating the environment.

Demolition of the Structure: Once all the hazardous materials have been removed, demolition can begin. It involves breaking down the structure with heavy machineries like excavators and wrecking balls.

The Utah Division of Air Quality regulates the removal of asbestos and has strict guidelines that must be followed during a demolition process.

If you need to remove hazardous materials during demolition, following the proper safety procedures is important. Asbestos Abatement Services in Salt Lake City, UT, can help you with this process.

View of an attic insulated with spray foam

Asbestos Can Be Identified Using Different Methods

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos in the home, Asbestos Information, Service InformationNo Comments

Asbestos analysis is the only sure way to know if a property has asbestos-containing materials. You can easily make assumptions that a property built in the 1980s will likely have asbestos, but the only way to know for certain is through proper testing. Certified asbestos abatement professionals can test and inspect your property and determine if there is asbestos on the property. Below, we will discuss methods that are used when checking properties for asbestos fibers.

Construction Material Samples

This is the most popular form of asbestos testing that is completed for homes and businesses. A certified asbestos inspector will gather several samples from different areas of the home or business. Once assembled, these samples will be sent to a laboratory, where they will be tested. This is a highly accurate test and can give you the information you need for asbestos abatement.

Air Samples

In some instances, it is important to test the air for asbestos fibers. This method only identifies if there are active asbestos fibers in the air of a building. This test is often more affordable and faster than material sample testing. This test measures friable asbestos but not asbestos-containing materials on a property.

Water and Soil Testing

The above two methods are used the most in residential and commercial properties asbestos testing. Water and soil testing is used to see if asbestos is being illegally dumped in areas. This testing is used for environmental investigations.

If you want a test that tests your home or business for asbestos, the best all-around test is the testing of construction materials. It is important to know if you have asbestos on the property and where it is located. Testing a property for asbestos should be completed to ensure everyone is safe from asbestos fibers and exposure.

Mother and children walking into their home

Ways To Protect Your Children From Asbestos Exposure

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Protecting our children is one of the most important jobs as a parent. Each day we make decisions to keep them safe from harm. Unfortunately, we sometimes miss things that we could have avoided. Asbestos Abatement Services will discuss ways to protect your children from asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure was once thought to affect those who worked in industries where asbestos was abundant. However, we have begun to see children having asbestos-related illnesses due to exposure.

Asbestos Testing

Asbestos fibers are difficult to spot and can only be detected through testing that is completed at a lab. Asbestos testing is a specific type of testing that involves collecting samples that are then sealed and sent to a lab. Asbestos testing is highly accurate and the only way to know if a property, in fact, does contain asbestos. Asbestos testing is the best way to protect your children from asbestos exposure, as most asbestos exposure for children occurs in the home. Asbestos fibers are often disturbed through wear and tear, remodels, and projects.

Asbestos Knowledge

Another way to help your children avoid exposure to asbestos is through proper education. Both parents and children can be better informed on asbestos and the dangers if they are exposed. There is a lot of information to help educate yourself and your children on asbestos. Knowledge is the best way to keep you and your family safe from asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure causes severe illnesses like cancer. Understanding where asbestos could be in your home and what occurs after exposure can help you better protect your family.

If your property has asbestos, it is crucial to have it removed by a professional asbestos abatement company as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to risk exposure to yourself and your family.

Worker removing old flooring with adequate removal tolls

Retro Flooring Could Contain Asbestos

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Information, Household InfoNo Comments

Owning a vintage home is at the top of the list for many. Vintage homes are beautiful, and many have the original construction materials intact. Many wish to preserve many of the materials, which can be difficult. Keeping materials can be dependent on if the materials contain asbestos or lead. Vintage homes often have asbestos in many of the materials. To safely remodel and preserve your property, it is vital that you have a certified asbestos professional complete an asbestos inspection and test of the property.

An asbestos professional will be able to collect samples and have them tested, ensuring you know precisely what materials contain asbestos. This can be extremely helpful when completing remodels on vintage homes. Most people want to keep the retro flooring because of the way it looks. Depending on the test results, you may be able to keep the original. However, if the flooring does have asbestos, you can install asbestos-free flooring with a retro feel.

There are many options for the flooring that can ensure you and your family’s safety while keeping the look of your vintage home intact. The best thing you can do before moving into your vintage home is to have an asbestos inspection. These inspections are highly accurate and can give you peace of mind that your family is safe from asbestos exposure. It is important to know if there are asbestos-containing materials on the property before moving in.

If the property has asbestos, the asbestos will need to be removed as soon as possible. If the flooring does contain asbestos, it will need to be removed and replaced. As we stated above, there are many retro options to keep the vintage look of your property. Most parts of your vintage home can be replaced with materials that match the original look, minus asbestos fibers.

Asbestos roof shingle on a residential structure

Shingle and Roof Asbestos Removal – The Importance

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Roofing is meant to last a long time. It is strong and withstands the sun, ice, rain, and wind. Some roofs have been on homes since the 70s and 80s. While this shows how strong roofs can be, it also poses a danger to those living in or around the roof. Roof materials were comprised of asbestos for decades. Asbestos was not only fire resistant but also durable, making it a great addition to roofing materials. With these older roofs still intact, the risk of asbestos exposure increases. Many argue that asbestos roofing is not a danger because it is outside the home, but this is the farthest from the truth.

Asbestos Roofing and The Dangers Of Exposure

Asbestos-containing materials on the interior of your home may be of a greater concern, as you are trapped inside with the dangerous fiber, but exterior asbestos is just as dangerous. Asbestos fibers are very tiny and can float through the air, where they can enter your home and car, allowing the fibers to be ingested through your mouth and nose. Asbestos roofing is a hazard, not only to you but to your neighbors as well. Asbestos can easily float in the air to neighboring houses. If your roof was built into the 90s, it needs to be replaced.

Asbestos roofing needs to be removed by professionals that handle hazardous materials. Colorado Hazardous Environmental provides complete asbestos removal from homes and businesses. Our team uses special equipment and suits with respirators to contain the asbestos as we remove it. This ensures the safety of everyone in the area. Once removed, we dispose of the asbestos in a particular area. If your roofing contains asbestos, never hesitate to have it removed, as asbestos can cause severe respiratory illnesses, including cancer.

Person installing sheetrock for remodeling project

Remodeling and Home Construction Could Disturb Asbestos – Has Your Home Had an Asbestos Inspection?

By Asbestos and RenovationsNo Comments

Remodeling and home construction are usually exciting and also a little stressful. This is especially the case if you are doing most of it yourself. Did you know that you could disturb asbestos fibers when you start home remodels and addons? Asbestos is not a huge concern when it is not damaged, but once damaged, asbestos fibers can become detached and float through the air and infect you and your family. Asbestos fibers are microscopic, making it easy for the tiny particles to be in dust or the air. Is there a way to prevent disturbing asbestos? Find out more below!

How Can I Prevent Disturbing Asbestos?

The only way to not disturb asbestos-containing materials is by not touching it and damaging it in any way. Once the materials become damaged or worn down, the asbestos becomes friable, meaning it can expose you. If you are wanting to start a home remodel and have not yet had an asbestos inspection, now is the time.

What is an Asbestos Inspection?

An asbestos inspection is a test that is completed by an asbestos abatement professional. They will go around your home and take samples of different materials. Once all samples have been gathered, they will be sent off to a lab for testing. These tests are highly accurate and can determine if there is any asbestos in the materials. Asbestos tests are especially important because they can be the one thing that can stop you from being exposed to asbestos. If your asbestos test comes back negative, you can go about your remodel and not worry about asbestos exposure.

If your asbestos test comes back positive, your asbestos abatement professional will discuss options with you and make a plan to remove the asbestos from your property as soon as possible. You will also be asked not to start any remodels or construction until the asbestos has been removed. Any remodeling or construction could disturb the asbestos and put you at risk for asbestos exposure.

Fire composed of yard debris

Burning and Asbestos – Information You Need to Know!

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Spring and Summer are the perfect time for cleaning up debris from the nasty Winter. It is additionally a time for remodels and renovations. Many rural areas allow people to burn debris and rubble. This can be great for some, but also dangerous. Many rules and regulations are put in place to ensure that no one is exposed to asbestos.

Asbestos-containing materials can range from flooring to shingles and walls. During renovations, a lot of the materials you remove could contain asbestos. How do you know? What should you do? If your home has never had an asbestos inspection, that is where you start. A certified asbestos abatement professional will be able to test your home and give you the answers you need. If your home does have asbestos, it will need to be removed by a professional.

Before you begin any renovations or remodels, hire a professional to test your home for asbestos. This way, you know that you and your family are safe. You will also know if it is safe to burn the materials you accumulate during a remodel. Burning asbestos-containing materials is punishable by law and can carry a hefty fine. Asbestos exposure causes cancer and possibly death. Asbestos is very small and cannot be seen, making it even more difficult to know if you have been exposed.

Before you burn any debris from your home, think about the danger it could cause to you and your family. Burning is also illegal in some areas. If you are thinking of burning debris, contact your local fire department first. They will be able to answer any questions you may have. If you can burn, make sure the materials are asbestos-free. You never want to endanger your family, neighbors, or friends to asbestos, as it is deadly.

Dumpster outside of a building

Illegal Dumping of Asbestos – It is A Problem

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Asbestos is understood to cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and respiratory illnesses, yet it is still being mishandled. All the dangers have caused regulations and laws to be put in place to protect people from asbestos exposure, yet those laws are not being followed. Asbestos removal requires special licensing, as does the disposal of asbestos. Without the licenses, you cannot legally remove or dispose of any asbestos-containing materials.

In the United States, we are seeing people illegally dumping asbestos. This is punishable by a fine as it is illegal, but it is also putting people at risk. Asbestos exposure can occur from even trace amounts of asbestos fibers. Some do not know they are removing asbestos-containing materials, but more often than not, it is known. Commercial properties must have their buildings tested for asbestos before any remodels, or demolition is completed.

We see a lot of contractors and businesses bypass this crucial step and continue with the remodel or demolition. While this may be saving them a small amount of money, it could be endangering the lives of many people. Illegally removing asbestos does not just harm the contractors and other workers, but it can harm innocent people who live or work nearby.

Asbestos fibers can soar through the air and enter homes and businesses in the vicinity. On top of that, once removed, workers will dispose of it. This can lead to further exposure. Workers will pick up and remove the trash and debris and may unknowingly be exposed to asbestos.

Until asbestos is banned in the United States, and people follow the regulations and rules, there will be a chance of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is highly dangerous and should be treated as a danger to everyone. If you own a business, make sure to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the United States. It could save many lives. Always hire a professional asbestos removal company!

Material for repairs in an apartment is under construction, remodeling, rebuilding and renovation. Making walls from gypsum plasterboard or drywall

Asbestos Dangers During Major Home Remodels

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Home remodels can be very exciting, but at the same time, dangerous. Yes, all home remodels come with dangers, but homes with asbestos-containing materials can cause exposure and death. It is important to know your home’s condition and asbestos status before jumping into any remodels. Most contractors are hired to complete a job and will not even question if you have asbestos. If you are unsure, it is important to contact an asbestos professional to have your home checked. This is for the safety of everyone.

Remodeling your home often disturbs certain areas that are prone to contain asbestos. Surprisingly, almost every area of your home could contain asbestos materials. Some of those areas are as follows:
• Roofing
• Insulation
• Flooring and Tile
• Wallpaper
• Popcorn Ceilings and Textured Walls

As you can see, most areas of your home could contain asbestos. When remodeling, you are usually removing or updating at least a couple of the items listed above. If the home has not been tested for asbestos, you can easily release the fibers into the air, where they can travel through your air ducts to other areas of your home.

It is also illegal to remove and dispose of asbestos-containing materials. For your safety and the safety of everyone around you, have the home checked prior to remodeling. Asbestos-containing materials are generally not harmful until they are disturbed or worn down and broken. These items are often times destroyed as they are being removed for remodels, releasing asbestos-containing particles into the air. Asbestos is usually found in older homes, but some newer homes have been found to contain asbestos. This is why we recommend all homes and businesses have an asbestos inspection and test completed before remodeling or demolition. Asbestos is known to cause life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and respiratory failure.