Home remodels can be very exciting, but at the same time, dangerous. Yes, all home remodels come with dangers, but homes with asbestos-containing materials can cause exposure and death. It is important to know your home’s condition and asbestos status before jumping into any remodels. Most contractors are hired to complete a job and will not even question if you have asbestos. If you are unsure, it is important to contact an asbestos professional to have your home checked. This is for the safety of everyone.
Remodeling your home often disturbs certain areas that are prone to contain asbestos. Surprisingly, almost every area of your home could contain asbestos materials. Some of those areas are as follows:
• Roofing
• Insulation
• Flooring and Tile
• Wallpaper
• Popcorn Ceilings and Textured Walls
As you can see, most areas of your home could contain asbestos. When remodeling, you are usually removing or updating at least a couple of the items listed above. If the home has not been tested for asbestos, you can easily release the fibers into the air, where they can travel through your air ducts to other areas of your home.
It is also illegal to remove and dispose of asbestos-containing materials. For your safety and the safety of everyone around you, have the home checked prior to remodeling. Asbestos-containing materials are generally not harmful until they are disturbed or worn down and broken. These items are often times destroyed as they are being removed for remodels, releasing asbestos-containing particles into the air. Asbestos is usually found in older homes, but some newer homes have been found to contain asbestos. This is why we recommend all homes and businesses have an asbestos inspection and test completed before remodeling or demolition. Asbestos is known to cause life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and respiratory failure.