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March 2019

Chimney on the roof of the house against the blue sky

Asbestos and Where It Can Be Found in Your Home

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Asbestos has been used in construction materials for centuries. Only within the last several years has it become a major health concern. Asbestos exposure causes severe health problems such as cancer, respiratory issues, and even death. It is important to understand the dangers and be aware of the possibilities you have asbestos inside your home. Below Asbestos Abatement Services will discuss several places asbestos could be hiding in your property.


Shingles and other types of roofing are one of the main places that contain asbestos. Asbestos is a durable fiber that is also heat resistant. This makes it the perfect addition to shingles.


Insulation is the main place that we find asbestos. Asbestos is very popular in insulation and has been known to be one of the main components. Asbestos fibers stand up to the heat and make a perfect addition to insulation. Never remove insulation without an asbestos test.


Floor and wall tile could contain asbestos, as asbestos is very strong and meant to hold up to everyday traffic. Even trace amounts can cause asbestos exposure.


Wallpaper adhesives used asbestos fibers up into the 90s. If your home is a bit older, it could have asbestos-containing materials inside the wallpaper and adhesives.


Adhesives such as caulking could contain asbestos. Asbestos holds up well to the heat, making it a great addition to adhesives and wire coating

Above are some common places that could contain asbestos. If you have never had an asbestos test completed on your home, it is time to consider it. Asbestos exposure happens when products break down or are disturbed during a remodel. Protect you and your family from asbestos exposure with an asbestos test from certified asbestos professional. Even trace amounts of asbestos can cause life-threatening illnesses.

Hands of worker using a silicone tube for repairing of window

My Home Was Built in the 90s, Could It Contain Asbestos?

By Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Asbestos has been around for centuries and has been used for all types of things including construction, pottery, and even clothing. It was mostly used for construction materials in the United States, up until a few decades ago. Asbestos has been used to build homes and businesses throughout the United States. It wasn’t until a few decades ago that people began to take notice of asbestos exposure and health problems. Asbestos exposure is known to cause respiratory issues, as well as, different types of cancers, and even death. Asbestos is very hazardous to your health and could be inside your home.

Homes built before the 90s are at the biggest risk, but homes that were built into the 90s have been found to have trace amounts of asbestos in the construction materials. Asbestos was used in many different types of construction materials, including the following:
• Insulation
Popcorn Ceilings
• Adhesives
• Wallpaper
• Caulking
• Tiles and Roofing

Above are the most common places asbestos was used. Asbestos is durable and heat-resistant, making it a great option for construction materials.

What Should You Do

If you own a home that was constructed in the 90s, you should have an asbestos test completed on your home. Asbestos inspections are the only way to determine if your home has asbestos. You should always have a certified asbestos abatement specialist conduct the asbestos test. These tests are thorough, as your entire home is checked for asbestos. If you do have asbestos, they will walk you through the process and safely remove the asbestos from your home. During this time, you will need to vacate your home, as asbestos removal is dangerous. Once the final inspection is completed on your home, you will be able to return. It is also important to have an asbestos test completed before doing any remodeling, as remodeling can disturb the asbestos and cause it to become airborne and expose the people in your home.

Damaged asbestos roof shingles

Friable VS Non-Friable Asbestos – Which is More Dangerous?

By Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Asbestos-containing materials can fall into two categories, friable and non-friable. Both are dangerous and can cause health problems. Asbestos Abatement Services is here to give you all the information you need to ensure you avoid asbestos exposure. First, all asbestos is equally hazardous to your health. Secondly, always hire a certified asbestos abatement company, because they have the proper equipment and tools to remove and dispose of the asbestos. Below we will discuss the differences between friable and non-friable asbestos.

What are the differences between friable and non-friable asbestos?

Friable asbestos is asbestos-containing materials that can easily be damaged or turned into dust. Friable asbestos poses more of an immediate danger than non-friable asbestos. Below are some examples of friable asbestos:

• Insulation
• Sprayed Asbestos
• Older Asbestos-containing Materials that are Worn

Non-friable asbestos is asbestos-containing materials that are firmly bonded and are harder to break. The types of products are still dangerous but do not pose as great a risk as friable asbestos products. Below are some examples of non-friable asbestos:

• Adhesives
• Cement Products
• Vinyl Floor Tiles

Non-friable asbestos should still be removed, as it is still asbestos and can still cause asbestos exposure.

Should I Remove Non-Friable Asbestos?

All asbestos should be removed from your home, as it is still asbestos. Non-friable asbestos may be harder to breakdown, but once it has been broken into pieces, it becomes just as much a risk as friable asbestos. If you know that you have both types of asbestos inside your home, it is important that all asbestos is removed. It would be best if you had all asbestos removed at the same time, as both are risky and can travel through your home and expose everyone inside. It is Important to discuss the different types of asbestos inside your home with your asbestos professional. They will be able to recommend a plan of action to remove the asbestos safely.

Woman Removing Tile in Home Kitchen

Asbestos Exposure During Building Demolition – The Risks!

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Building demolition is already stressful enough, but if you add in the chance of asbestos exposure, then you have a new level of stress. Asbestos exposure can easily happen and can damage your body for the rest of your life. Luckily, there are laws and regulations in place to help protect you from asbestos exposure during building demolitions. Below we will discuss the dangers of asbestos exposure during building demolitions and renovations.

Asbestos Exposure

Unfortunately, asbestos is a minuscule fiber that cannot be seen, meaning you will not know that you have been exposed. During a building demolition, you see dust and debris everywhere. That dust can travel miles, meaning you could be exposed miles from the demolition site. Luckily, there are now regulations to save you from asbestos exposure. Asbestos testing must be done on buildings before demolition. If they contain asbestos, then an asbestos contractor must remove and dispose of the asbestos before any demolition can take place. Asbestos contractors seal up areas that contain asbestos and then use respirators and suits to ensure no asbestos escapes the sealed area. Once removed it is secured in a container before being removed and disposed of.

Asbestos exposure is known to cause respiratory issues, coughing, lung cancer, Mesothelioma, and eventually death. Before you complete any demolition or renovation on your building, contact an asbestos abatement company. They will be able to test the entire building for asbestos and remove any that they find. The laws and regulations are meant to help keep everyone safe, and fines are given if the proper testing is not completed before buildings are destroyed. Be smart and contact an asbestos contractor if you are thinking of demolition or any other type of remodeling. A simple test could save the lives of 100s of people.