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May 2023

Lead paint peeling off of a wall in a home

Beyond Asbestos: Identifying and Addressing Other Home Hazards

By Hazardous Materials Information, Service InformationNo Comments

Asbestos is not the only hazardous material that could be hiding in your home. Other hazardous materials include lead and toxic materials. While asbestos is a known carcinogen, other dangerous substances like lead, mercury, and mold may also pose health risks to you and your family.

Hazardous materials commonly found in Salt Lake City area homes include:

  • Asbestos: A naturally occurring mineral used in various building materials such as insulation, roofing, and flooring. It can be harmful if inhaled or ingested.
  • Lead: A heavy metal used in paints, plumbing, and solder; harmful if ingested or absorbed through the skin.
  • Mercury: A toxic metal present in thermometers, thermostats, and batteries. It can be harmful if inhaled or ingested.
  • Mold: A fungus that grows in damp and humid conditions, causing allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

These hazardous materials can pose various risks, such as cancer, birth defects, neurological damage, and respiratory issues.

To protect yourself and your family from these dangers, follow these steps:

  1. Have your home inspected for hazardous materials by a qualified professional.
  2. Avoid disturbing suspected hazardous materials.
  3. If you must handle hazardous material, wear protective gear, such as a respirator and gloves.
  4. Dispose of hazardous materials properly.

Asbestos Abatement Services is a professional asbestos abatement company serving the Salt Lake City area. With over 20 years of experience, our certified professionals provide a range of services, including asbestos testing, removal, encapsulation, and management. We use the latest technology and methods to ensure safe and effective asbestos removal while adhering to all state and federal regulations.

If you’re concerned about the presence of asbestos or other hazardous materials in your home, please contact Asbestos Abatement Services today. Our team will happily answer any questions you have and schedule an inspection of your home.

Professionals in protective suits remove asbestos on a wall

Testing for Asbestos Before It’s Too Late

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Asbestos is a toxic substance that was once commonly used in building materials, such as insulation, tiles, and drywall. Exposure to asbestos can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma, making it crucial to test for and address any potential asbestos in your property.

At Asbestos Abatement Services, we provide comprehensive asbestos inspections, testing, and removal services in Salt Lake City, UT.

Here’s why testing for asbestos is essential.

Why Test for Asbestos?

Testing for asbestos is crucial for the following reasons:

  • Safety: Asbestos can cause serious health problems, including cancer and respiratory issues.
  • Legal compliance: It is mandatory to test for asbestos before any demolition or renovation.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you and your family or employees are not exposed to asbestos is essential for a worry-free environment.

What to Test for Asbestos

Common areas where asbestos can be found include:

  • Insulation: Around boilers, pipes, and ducts.
  • Flooring: Including tiles and adhesive.
  • Roofing: In shingles, tars, and felts.
  • Ceiling: Textured paint.
  • Drywall: In joint compounds and other materials.

How Testing Helps

Testing for asbestos can inform you if:

  • Asbestos is present in your property, and its location.
  • The degree of risk and potential exposure.
  • What type of asbestos is present.
  • Proper procedures for abatement and removal.

What Happens If You Don’t Test

Not testing for asbestos in your property can lead to:

  • Serious health conditions.
  • Legal and financial issues related to non-compliance.
  • Delays in home sales due to potential exposure.

At Asbestos Abatement Services, we understand the importance of testing for asbestos before it’s too late. Our team of experts provides comprehensive inspections, testing, and asbestos abatement services that ensure your property is safe for you and your loved ones.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our asbestos inspection team in Salt Lake City, UT.