Asbestos analysis is the only sure way to know if a property has asbestos-containing materials. You can easily make assumptions that a property built in the 1980s will likely have asbestos, but the only way to know for certain is through proper testing. Certified asbestos abatement professionals can test and inspect your property and determine if there is asbestos on the property. Below, we will discuss methods that are used when checking properties for asbestos fibers.
Construction Material Samples
This is the most popular form of asbestos testing that is completed for homes and businesses. A certified asbestos inspector will gather several samples from different areas of the home or business. Once assembled, these samples will be sent to a laboratory, where they will be tested. This is a highly accurate test and can give you the information you need for asbestos abatement.
Air Samples
In some instances, it is important to test the air for asbestos fibers. This method only identifies if there are active asbestos fibers in the air of a building. This test is often more affordable and faster than material sample testing. This test measures friable asbestos but not asbestos-containing materials on a property.
Water and Soil Testing
The above two methods are used the most in residential and commercial properties asbestos testing. Water and soil testing is used to see if asbestos is being illegally dumped in areas. This testing is used for environmental investigations.
If you want a test that tests your home or business for asbestos, the best all-around test is the testing of construction materials. It is important to know if you have asbestos on the property and where it is located. Testing a property for asbestos should be completed to ensure everyone is safe from asbestos fibers and exposure.