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Asbestos Exposure

Construction site undergoing demolition for remodeling

The Hidden Danger in Building Demolition: Why Professional Asbestos Inspection is Crucial

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Are you planning to demolish a building in Salt Lake City? Before you start tearing down walls and disposing of debris, there’s a critical step you can’t afford to skip: professional asbestos inspection. At Asbestos Abatement Services, we’ve seen firsthand the risks of overlooking this crucial safety measure.

The Lurking Threat in Older Structures

Many buildings constructed before the 1980s contain asbestos, a once-popular building material now known for its severe health risks. When disturbed during demolition, asbestos fibers can become airborne, posing serious health hazards to workers and nearby residents. This invisible threat can lead to devastating long-term health consequences, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Why DIY Asbestos Detection Isn’t Enough

While you might be tempted to identify asbestos yourself, this is a job best left to professionals. Asbestos can be present in various forms and locations within a building, often hidden from the untrained eye. Our certified inspectors at Asbestos Abatement Services use specialized equipment and techniques to detect asbestos in all its forms, ensuring no hazardous materials are overlooked.

The Legal and Financial Implications

Failing to properly inspect for and remove asbestos before demolition isn’t just a health risk – it’s also a legal and financial liability. In Salt Lake City and throughout Utah, there are strict regulations governing asbestos handling and disposal. Violating these rules can result in hefty fines and legal consequences. By hiring a professional for asbestos testing and inspections, you’re protecting not just your health, but also your wallet.

Comprehensive Asbestos Services for Peace of Mind

At Asbestos Abatement Services, we offer comprehensive asbestos management for both residential and commercial buildings in Salt Lake City. Our services include thorough asbestos inspections, testing, and if necessary, safe removal. We ensure that your demolition project complies with all local and federal regulations, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.

Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks – Call the Professionals

Before you proceed with your building demolition project, make the smart choice. Contact Asbestos Abatement Services for a professional asbestos inspection. Our team of experts will ensure that your demolition project is safe, compliant, and free from the dangers of asbestos. Protect yourself, your workers, and your community – let us help you demolish with confidence.

A renovation worker removing kitchen wall tile during a home improvement project

How to Safely Remove Hazardous Materials During Demolition?

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Salt Lake City in Utah is a beautiful place to live, but if you’re considering demolishing an old home or commercial building, you need to be aware of the potential hazards.

If you’re planning on building demolition – commercial & residential, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure the safety of everyone involved. One of the most important aspects of demolition is hazardous material removal from the site. It includes asbestos, lead paint, and other toxins. 

A professional offers comprehensive hazardous material removal services for commercial and residential properties in Salt Lake City, UT.

Why Should You Ensure Hazardous Materials are Removed Before Building Demolition?

Building Safety – It is important to deploy asbestos/hazardous material testing before demolition to maintain a safe environment for workers and pedestrians.

Health and Environmental Concerns – Dangerous materials like asbestos can pose a serious health risk if not removed properly.

Prevent Contamination – Hazardous materials can easily contaminate the surrounding soil and water if not handled correctly.

Compliance With Regulations – Most municipalities have strict regulations governing the proper removal of hazardous materials before demolition.

Keep Your Crew Safe – Working around dangerous materials can be very risky, so it is essential to take all necessary precautions to protect your crew members.

Avoid Costly Fines – Fines for violating hazardous material removal regulations can be substantial, so taking care of this task before demolition is wise.

How Can Experts Help with Hazardous Material Removal for Demolition?

Pre-Demolition Planning: A comprehensive plan includes a hazardous material survey before starting any demolition project. 

Asbestos Abatement/Removal: It involves the removal of asbestos-containing materials before demolishing a building with tools like floor scrapers and power saws.

Collection and Removal of Asbestos Material: Professionals use high-efficiency vacuums with HEPA filters to collect and dispose of asbestos fibers.

Cleanup and Disposal of Hazardous Waste: All hazardous waste must be cleaned up and disposed of properly to avoid contaminating the environment.

Demolition of the Structure: Once all the hazardous materials have been removed, demolition can begin. It involves breaking down the structure with heavy machineries like excavators and wrecking balls.

The Utah Division of Air Quality regulates the removal of asbestos and has strict guidelines that must be followed during a demolition process.

If you need to remove hazardous materials during demolition, following the proper safety procedures is important. Asbestos Abatement Services in Salt Lake City, UT, can help you with this process.

Scientist behind a microscope working in a lab

Asbestos- The Science Behind It!

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the home, Household InfoNo Comments

The word asbestos has become well known over the last several years due in part to the media. With all the bad things that have come out about the dangers of asbestos, it is no surprise that we see people becoming more curious about the hazardous fiber. Below, we will discuss asbestos a bit more and some o the science behind it.

What Exactly Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is not man-made, contrary to the belief of many. It is actually a naturally growing silicate that forms in rocks. This is the reason we see a lot of miners with asbestos-related illnesses. Until the 2000s, asbestos-containing materials were used across many different industries, but more specifically, it was used on construction materials. Asbestos fibers help make materials stronger and fire-resistant.

Why Is Asbestos Dangerous?

Asbestos becomes dangerous once it is friable. Friable asbestos occurs when the materials are disturbed through remodels, demolition, or wear and tear. Once asbestos is friable, it can easily cause exposure to anyone in the vicinity. Asbestos exposure causes many different diseases that can be life-threatening. Asbestos fibers enter your body and latch onto your lungs, where it begins to cause damages slowly. It can take years for the symptoms of asbestos exposure to occur.

When it comes to asbestos exposure, some illnesses are more common. Below, we will list the most common.


Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is often fatal. Asbestos exposure causes damages to the heart, lungs, and stomach, making it difficult to breathe.

Pleural Thickening

When the lining of the lungs becomes damaged, it can cause scarring, which can lead to thickening of the pleura. This can cause shortening of breath and extreme discomfort in the chest and lung area.


Asbestosis occurs when asbestos fiber leaves severe scarring to the lungs, which causes coughing, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

If you have been exposed to asbestos, it is vital to see a doctor and let them know. A specific test can be run to check for respiratory illness.

Asbestos roof shingle on a residential structure

Shingle and Roof Asbestos Removal – The Importance

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Roofing is meant to last a long time. It is strong and withstands the sun, ice, rain, and wind. Some roofs have been on homes since the 70s and 80s. While this shows how strong roofs can be, it also poses a danger to those living in or around the roof. Roof materials were comprised of asbestos for decades. Asbestos was not only fire resistant but also durable, making it a great addition to roofing materials. With these older roofs still intact, the risk of asbestos exposure increases. Many argue that asbestos roofing is not a danger because it is outside the home, but this is the farthest from the truth.

Asbestos Roofing and The Dangers Of Exposure

Asbestos-containing materials on the interior of your home may be of a greater concern, as you are trapped inside with the dangerous fiber, but exterior asbestos is just as dangerous. Asbestos fibers are very tiny and can float through the air, where they can enter your home and car, allowing the fibers to be ingested through your mouth and nose. Asbestos roofing is a hazard, not only to you but to your neighbors as well. Asbestos can easily float in the air to neighboring houses. If your roof was built into the 90s, it needs to be replaced.

Asbestos roofing needs to be removed by professionals that handle hazardous materials. Colorado Hazardous Environmental provides complete asbestos removal from homes and businesses. Our team uses special equipment and suits with respirators to contain the asbestos as we remove it. This ensures the safety of everyone in the area. Once removed, we dispose of the asbestos in a particular area. If your roofing contains asbestos, never hesitate to have it removed, as asbestos can cause severe respiratory illnesses, including cancer.

Doctor talking to camera in video chat

Common Asbestos-Related Illnesses

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos Related Illness InfoNo Comments

Asbestos is linked to many different illnesses, including some that are quite severe. From lung scarring to mesothelioma, the list of asbestos-related diseases is never-ending. However, there a some that are more common than others. Below, we will discuss the more common asbestos-related illnesses.

Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma

Asbestos is most known for causing mesothelioma. We see lawyers talking about mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in the media. Mesothelioma is caused only by asbestos exposure. It can affect your lungs, abdomen, and heart. Lung cancer is also commonly thought of when discussing asbestos illnesses. Lung cancer alongside mesothelioma is the most fatal of all asbestos-related illnesses.


Lung diseases are also common with asbestos exposure, and asbestosis is the most common. Lung scarring and inflammation cause chest tightness and severe shortness of breath. Asbestosis is not as deadly as mesothelioma, but it can cause other illnesses that could lead to death.

Pleural Plaques

Pleural plaques can make breathing difficult because calcified buildups form on the pleural membrane. This is not one of the more asbestos-related severe illnesses, but it is very common.

Pleural Effusions

A pleural effusion is caused by fluid builds up in the pleural membrane. It can collect in the chest cavity, between your lungs and ribs, which can cause shortness of breath. Alone pleural effusions are not deadly, but when coupled with mesothelioma, it can become deadly.

As you can see, asbestos-related illnesses all have some form of shortness of breath. Asbestos exposure is often deadly and can cause people of years of respiratory illnesses. If your home or business has not yet been tested for asbestos, now is the time. Asbestos exposure can happen in your own home. Protect your loved ones by having an asbestos inspection and test completed.

Group Of Doctors Hiding Face With Question Mark Sign Over White Background

Common Myths About Asbestos

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

When it comes to asbestos facts, many myths are simply not true. It is hard, to tell the truth from the myths. Luckily, Asbestos Abatement Services is here better to educate you on asbestos and its many dangers. Below, we will discuss five myths about asbestos that many people believe.

Asbestos Exposure Only Occurs At Jobs

Asbestos exposure can happen in any property, including the environment. Asbestos is naturally growing. While many people are affected while doing their jobs, many people are exposed inside their own homes. Buildings and homes were both build using asbestos-containing materials. This creates a greater risk of exposure at home.

Asbestos is Banned in The United States

While it has been proven how dangerous asbestos exposure is, asbestos is not fully banned in the United States. There are now regulations and laws to help protect workers from asbestos, but asbestos is not completely banned. Asbestos is still being found in certain materials throughout the United States.

Mesothelioma Only Affects Men

At one point, the majority of mesothelioma diagnoses were men. Today, we are seeing an increase in women and even children being diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. More people are becoming exposed to work, school, and home. This is leading to a rise in women and children.

Short Term Asbestos Exposure Is Not Serious

Asbestos exposure is serious. It doesn’t matter if you were exposed once or 50 times. The results will likely be the same. Asbestos fibers are tiny and enter your body through your mouth or nose, where it becomes lodged in your lungs. Once in your lungs, asbestos begins to cause scarring. This can lead to asbestosis, plaques, and cancer.

Newer Homes Do Not Contain Asbestos

Owning a newer home does not mean you are safe from asbestos exposure. We have found newer homes containing materials that include asbestos. Even small amounts of asbestos are not safe and can cause life-threatening illnesses.

Smiling woman making high five with her hand

The Asbestos Removal Process – 5 Things You Need To Know!

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in the homeNo Comments

Asbestos-containing materials are very hazardous to your health and can cause severe illnesses such as cancer. If your property contains asbestos, it is crucial that you have it removed as soon as possible. Below, Asbestos Abatement Services will discuss five things you need to know about asbestos removal and the process.

Asbestos Inspections and Testing

Asbestos testing and inspections are the first part of asbestos removal. These tests are completed by certified asbestos abatement professionals, and the results determine if your property contains asbestos and where it is located on the property. Without an asbestos test or inspection, there is no way to know if you have asbestos.

Asbestos Removal Is Different For Residential and Commercial Properties

Asbestos removal is an in-depth process that can take time to complete. Residential properties are usually completed faster than commercial properties. Residents are asked to vacate the premises for asbestos removal. It is safer and can be completed more quickly. Commercial properties often need to remain open during asbestos removal. This makes it more time-consuming. Areas will need to be sealed off while the asbestos removal takes place. This will need to be done for each area, and certain spots may remain closed for days. This all depends on the amount of asbestos-containing materials on the property.

Asbestos Cannot Be Seen and Is Easily Ingested

Asbestos is a deadly killer, as it cannot be seen. Asbestos fibers are microscopic and can float through the air or be found in dust. It is easily ingested through the mouth or nose. Asbestos exposure is never immediately known, making it very dangerous.

Asbestos Removal and Disposal Must be Completed By Licensed Professionals

It is unlawful to remove and dispose of asbestos without being licensed and certified. There are laws and regulations in place to protect you from asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers are very dangerous, and you can be fined for removing yourself. Always call a professional for asbestos removal.

Asbestos Removal Can Take Days

Asbestos removal is not an easy process and can take several days to complete. The amount of time it takes depends on many factors. If there is a lot of asbestos on the property, it will take longer. If the asbestos is in a large commercial building, it could take more days to remove safely.

If your property has asbestos, always call a professional such as Asbestos Abatement Services.

Man seezing into a tissue

Are Your Allergies Seasonal or From Asbestos Exposure?

By Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos Related Illness InfoNo Comments

Seasonal allergies are at an all-time high right now, and it can be difficult to determine if your illness is related to allergies or from asbestos exposure. Many of the symptoms can be the same, but we have ways to help you determine if your symptoms are allergy-related or if it could be from asbestos exposure.

Do Your Symptoms Go Away?

If symptoms go away with the change of seasons, you likely just have seasonal allergies. While seasonal allergies can be severe, seeing your doctor should help them. If your symptoms do not go away and remain constant, then it could be another illness, possibly caused by asbestos exposure.

Do You Work In A Job Where Asbestos Exposure is Possible?

If you work in a job where asbestos exposure is possible, then you should probably see a doctor immediately. If your symptoms continue to worsen or stay year-round, then seeing your doctor should be at the top of your list, as you could have an illness caused by asbestos exposure.

Have You Seen Your Doctor?

If you have seen your doctor recently and were diagnosed with a common cold, seasonal allergies, bronchitis, or other temporary illness, you should be fine. If your symptoms last longer than expected, it is best to see your doctor again for confirmation.

Do You Commonly Have Seasonal Allergies?

If you have had seasonal allergies for most of your life, you likely just have allergies. If your symptoms are different, it may be a good time to check in with your doctor. This is especially the case if you may have been exposed to asbestos.

Asbestos exposure can cause many different symptoms, including:
• Sneezing
• Coughing
• Respiratory Illnesses
• Trouble Breathing
• Itchy Eyes
• Fatigue

As you can see, all of the above symptoms are also linked to seasonal allergies. If you may have been exposed to asbestos, see a doctor immediately, as asbestos exposure is known to cause severe illnesses such as cancer.

Large modern sunny office

Asbestos Exposure – Why Is It So Dangerous?

By Asbestos ExposureNo Comments

Asbestos Is a naturally occurring mineral, but it is highly hazardous and can cause significant illnesses. In nature, not many people encounter asbestos, unless they are mining, but asbestos has been used in construction materials for decades. Asbestos exposure has been documented for centuries and only recently became a hot topic with laws and regulations being enacted. Asbestos is not banned entirely in the United States, meaning some items sill contain trace amounts. Unfortunately, trace amounts can cause asbestos exposure and severe illnesses.

How Does Asbestos Exposure Occur?

Asbestos was used in a variety of different construction materials, and many older homes and businesses have asbestos-containing materials on their properties. Asbestos is mostly safe until it becomes worn and is disturbed through a remodel or even damages to the property. Once that occurs, the asbestos fibers become hazardous and can enter your body through your mouth or nose. Asbestos fibers cannot be seen, and they can float in the air, exposing everyone in your home or business. Once the asbestos enters your body, it becomes lodged in lung tissue or your stomach. Exposure does not show any symptoms at the beginning of the exposure. Asbestos will sit in your body, slowly damaging your lungs and causing cancers, such as mesothelioma.

Why Is It Dangerous?

The reason asbestos is so dangerous is that it cannot be easily seen and does not show immediate symptoms. This makes it exceedingly difficult to know if you have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is essential, a silent killer. Asbestos causes lung cancer, mesothelioma, and severe respiratory distress.

The safest way to avoid asbestos exposure is through knowledge and asbestos testing. Asbestos testing is completed through an asbestos abatement company. Samples of materials are taken and sent to a lab for results. This is the only way to ensure your home or business is free from asbestos and that you will not experience asbestos exposure on your property!