Owning a vintage home is at the top of the list for many. Vintage homes are beautiful, and many have the original construction materials intact. Many wish to preserve many of the materials, which can be difficult. Keeping materials can be dependent on if the materials contain asbestos or lead. Vintage homes often have asbestos in many of the materials. To safely remodel and preserve your property, it is vital that you have a certified asbestos professional complete an asbestos inspection and test of the property.
An asbestos professional will be able to collect samples and have them tested, ensuring you know precisely what materials contain asbestos. This can be extremely helpful when completing remodels on vintage homes. Most people want to keep the retro flooring because of the way it looks. Depending on the test results, you may be able to keep the original. However, if the flooring does have asbestos, you can install asbestos-free flooring with a retro feel.
There are many options for the flooring that can ensure you and your family’s safety while keeping the look of your vintage home intact. The best thing you can do before moving into your vintage home is to have an asbestos inspection. These inspections are highly accurate and can give you peace of mind that your family is safe from asbestos exposure. It is important to know if there are asbestos-containing materials on the property before moving in.
If the property has asbestos, the asbestos will need to be removed as soon as possible. If the flooring does contain asbestos, it will need to be removed and replaced. As we stated above, there are many retro options to keep the vintage look of your property. Most parts of your vintage home can be replaced with materials that match the original look, minus asbestos fibers.