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Household Items that Could Contain Asbestos

Washing machine and dryer

Asbestos is known for being used in construction materials, but did you know it could also be used in ordinary household items? Surprisingly, asbestos fibers have been used in everything from appliances to children’s toys. Below we will discuss some items that could contain this dangerous minerals.

Household Appliances

Some appliances have been known to use asbestos fibers to prevent them from overheating or catching fire. Asbestos fibers are naturally heat resistant, meaning they can withstand high temperatures.
• Broilers
• Crock Pots
• Deep Fryers
• Ovens
• Dryers
• Popcorn Machines
• Dishwashers
• Toasters

While the above items are no longer made with asbestos fibers, it is best to be safe. If you have any older appliances, you may want to have them replaced and purchase a newer model.


It is alarming to know that some toys have been known to have small amounts of asbestos fibers and lead. Both can lead to exposure and poisoning. There have been reports of asbestos in toys as late as the early 2000s. If you have children, it is best to keep an eye on the products and toys you purchase for your children.
• Clay
• Crayons
• Finger Print Toys
• Sculpting Materials

Personal Use Items

In the past, some personal use items have been known to have asbestos. While they no longer contain asbestos any older items should be thrown away for your safety. Below are a few items to look out for!
• Heaters
• Electric Blankets
• Baby Powder
• Curling Irons

As you can see, there have been several types of items that once contained asbestos fibers. If you have any older items, it is best to throw them away. If you have been using older items and have severe respiratory symptoms, see a doctor and let them know you may have been exposed to asbestos.

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