Asbestos Is a naturally occurring mineral, but it is highly hazardous and can cause significant illnesses. In nature, not many people encounter asbestos, unless they are mining, but asbestos has been used in construction materials for decades. Asbestos exposure has been documented for centuries and only recently became a hot topic with laws and regulations being enacted. Asbestos is not banned entirely in the United States, meaning some items sill contain trace amounts. Unfortunately, trace amounts can cause asbestos exposure and severe illnesses.
How Does Asbestos Exposure Occur?
Asbestos was used in a variety of different construction materials, and many older homes and businesses have asbestos-containing materials on their properties. Asbestos is mostly safe until it becomes worn and is disturbed through a remodel or even damages to the property. Once that occurs, the asbestos fibers become hazardous and can enter your body through your mouth or nose. Asbestos fibers cannot be seen, and they can float in the air, exposing everyone in your home or business. Once the asbestos enters your body, it becomes lodged in lung tissue or your stomach. Exposure does not show any symptoms at the beginning of the exposure. Asbestos will sit in your body, slowly damaging your lungs and causing cancers, such as mesothelioma.
Why Is It Dangerous?
The reason asbestos is so dangerous is that it cannot be easily seen and does not show immediate symptoms. This makes it exceedingly difficult to know if you have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is essential, a silent killer. Asbestos causes lung cancer, mesothelioma, and severe respiratory distress.
The safest way to avoid asbestos exposure is through knowledge and asbestos testing. Asbestos testing is completed through an asbestos abatement company. Samples of materials are taken and sent to a lab for results. This is the only way to ensure your home or business is free from asbestos and that you will not experience asbestos exposure on your property!