Building demolition is already stressful enough, but if you add in the chance of asbestos exposure, then you have a new level of stress. Asbestos exposure can easily happen and can damage your body for the rest of your life. Luckily, there are laws and regulations in place to help protect you from asbestos exposure during building demolitions. Below we will discuss the dangers of asbestos exposure during building demolitions and renovations.
Asbestos Exposure
Unfortunately, asbestos is a minuscule fiber that cannot be seen, meaning you will not know that you have been exposed. During a building demolition, you see dust and debris everywhere. That dust can travel miles, meaning you could be exposed miles from the demolition site. Luckily, there are now regulations to save you from asbestos exposure. Asbestos testing must be done on buildings before demolition. If they contain asbestos, then an asbestos contractor must remove and dispose of the asbestos before any demolition can take place. Asbestos contractors seal up areas that contain asbestos and then use respirators and suits to ensure no asbestos escapes the sealed area. Once removed it is secured in a container before being removed and disposed of.
Asbestos exposure is known to cause respiratory issues, coughing, lung cancer, Mesothelioma, and eventually death. Before you complete any demolition or renovation on your building, contact an asbestos abatement company. They will be able to test the entire building for asbestos and remove any that they find. The laws and regulations are meant to help keep everyone safe, and fines are given if the proper testing is not completed before buildings are destroyed. Be smart and contact an asbestos contractor if you are thinking of demolition or any other type of remodeling. A simple test could save the lives of 100s of people.