Asbestos inside your home should be more dangerous than asbestos on the exterior right? Wrong! All asbestos is equally hazardous to you and your family. All asbestos puts you at risk of exposure. Asbestos roofing was used for decades because of the many benefits. Asbestos roofing was heat-resistant, strong, and cost-efficient. These were all positives for construction companies. At the time, they did not know the true danger of asbestos roofing. Asbestos roofing can quickly breakdown and cause exposure to not only your family but to your neighbors as well.
Asbestos roofing becomes friable and dangerous if it begins to break or come loose. This can occur from storm damages or just general wear and tear. Once the asbestos roofing is friable, the asbestos fibers can float through the air and into your home and the homes in your neighborhood. No one wants to cause harm to anyone knowingly, but by not removing your asbestos roofing, you are causing your family and others harm.
Asbestos roofing is still being found in homes throughout the United States. We are even seeing asbestos roofing in newer homes, which means no roofing is safe. The only way to know for sure that your roofing is safe is through an asbestos inspection. Asbestos fibers cannot be seen, and the only way to truly know if you have asbestos is through an inspection and test. These tests are highly accurate and will help you know if your roofing puts you and your family at risk.
Unfortunately, if you have asbestos roofing, you likely have asbestos-containing materials on the interior of your home as well. When your home is tested, they will test all areas of your property for asbestos. This will allow you to know if your home has asbestos or if you are safe from the dangerous fiber. If you do need asbestos removal, contact a professional for asbestos abatement. They will have all the tools and equipment to remove the asbestos from your property safely.