Asbestos abatement covers a wide range of services that helps to prevent asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers are known to cause hazardous illnesses, cancers, and even death. Our job is to ensure your safety and education when it comes to asbestos. Below, we will discuss what asbestos abatement services are and why you need them.
Asbestos Inspections and Testing
Asbestos inspections and tests are always completed before asbestos removal. Without the proper testing and inspection procedures, you would not know where the asbestos materials were centralized on your property. Asbestos inspections and testing are very thorough tests that are lab certified. If you have asbestos, your asbestos abatement professional will discuss options with you.
Asbestos Removal
Asbestos removal falls under two categories: commercial and residential. Residential asbestos removal is vastly different from commercial asbestos removal. Removing asbestos on a larger scale can be more difficult. It can also be difficult when the removal must take place in a business that needs to be open. In these cases, large areas are secured to ensure no asbestos fibers can escape. Commercial asbestos removal takes a lot of planning and time. Residential asbestos abatement can usually be completed in a day or two, depending on the amount of asbestos-containing materials that are present.
Once the asbestos removal takes place, the area will be inspected once more by a certified asbestos abatement professional to ensure all asbestos is removed and that the area is safe to inhabit.
Asbestos may only be removed by professional asbestos abatement companies that are certified. Special licenses are needed for the removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials. Removal and disposal of asbestos without the proper permits is illegal and could result in substantial fines or jail time. If your property contains asbestos, play it safe and call the professionals!