The Environmental Protection Agency was created in the 70s and is tasked with environmental assessments, education, and research. The EPA enforces and maintains national standards for many environmental laws and regulations, including asbestos. The EPA has several laws regarding asbestos, including AHERA, ASHARA, and AIA. Asbestos is not entirely banned in the United States, even though many laws and regulations surround the dangerous fiber. Below, we will talk about the importance of asbestos imports, the uses, and reports that monitor asbestos entering the United States.
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization filed a petition earlier this year to ensure the EPA collects information on asbestos use and exposure so that they can evaluate the risks asbestos has to the health of the public. Since this petition was filed, a judge has ordered the EPA to require companies to report the use of asbestos and the import through the Toxic Substances Control Act.
This is a huge step in protecting everyone from the harmful exposure of asbestos. Without knowing exactly what products contain asbestos, it makes it impossible to regulate and protect people from exposure. With proper reports, asbestos companies and the public will be more aware of products imported into the US containing asbestos. This simple addition can help create a safer environment for industry workers, their families, and everyone who could come into contact with asbestos fibers.
With more petitions and states joining the fight against asbestos, we could see a day where asbestos is banned in the United States. Asbestos is banned in other countries, and the hope is that asbestos will be a danger of the past one day. Asbestos exposure is highly dangerous and can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and lifelong respiratory illnesses for many. Asbestos inspections and testing are the first steps to protecting your family. If your property contains asbestos, a licensed asbestos abatement company can legally remove and dispose of asbestos from your property, ensuring the home or business is safe.