Asbestos has been in the news frequently over the last decade. Studies have shown that asbestos exposure is linked to cancers and other diseases. With those studies have come laws and regulations to help protect individuals from the damages of asbestos exposure. But, did you know that the removal of asbestos is illegal without the right certifications? Regulations now state that it is illegal to remove and dump asbestos without specific licenses and certifications. It is critical to understand these regulations, as you could end up with significant fines from home remodels or handyman jobs.
Asbestos Removal
Asbestos fibers are incredibly hazardous to your health and can cause respiratory problems, cancer, and death. Home remodels are one of the ways many people become exposed to asbestos. Without proper testing, there is no way to know if your home contains asbestos. Remodeling is commonly completed by a do-it-yourself, or DIY, person in your home. Without knowing, they could be spreading asbestos fibers all across your home and neighborhood. This often leads to the accidental disposal of asbestos-containing materials without the proper licenses.
This becomes a problem because it puts a lot of people in jeopardy. Landfills have particular areas for asbestos-containing materials. These areas are monitored very carefully and are secured to ensure no fibers escape. If you dump these materials in another area, a lot of people will likely become exposed to asbestos.
While a home remodel can be a fun activity, it is vital to have an asbestos test completed on your home before your remodel. This will protect you and your family from the risk of asbestos exposure. If you already suspect or know for sure that your home contains asbestos, call a professional. Never try to remove asbestos yourself. Special respirators, suits, and equipment are used to ensure the asbestos fibers are contained, removed, and disposed of in a controlled manner.