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Asbestos Inspections and Purchasing a New Property

House with for sale sign standing on pathway

Purchasing a new home or property is very exciting, but with it comes inspections. Inspections should always be completed on any home or property you intend to purchase. Most people know of the basic inspections that check the foundation, roof, and general construction, but what about asbestos inspections? Asbestos inspections are not required and or generally not requested by the seller or purchaser. Below, we will discuss the importance of an asbestos inspection before purchasing any property.

What is an Asbestos Inspection?

Asbestos inspections are comprehensive. A certified asbestos abatement professional will inspect the property for asbestos. They will check over the entire property and collect samples of materials. These samples will be sent to a lab for reliable results. Once the results are returned, your asbestos abatement contractor will discuss the findings. If the property does contain asbestos, they will go over plans to remove the asbestos.

Why is an Asbestos Inspection Necessary?

When purchasing a new property, it is crucial that you know of any problems the home has. This is the main reason that asbestos inspections are so important. They will let know if the home you are purchasing contains the dangerous substance. Asbestos exposure is linked to many illnesses such as mesothelioma, other cancers, respiratory problems that can all lead to death. Knowing if you have asbestos on the property will enable you to make educated decisions about the home before you purchase. If there is asbestos on the property, you can ask the seller to have it removed, or you can ask for a reduction in the cost of the property. There are many options available that should be discussed before you sign any purchasing agreements.

If you are looking to purchase or sell a home, an asbestos test should be on your to-do list. An asbestos inspection could easily save you and your family from deadly illnesses!

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