When it comes to commercial buildings, you run the risk of having asbestos. Asbestos has been used for thousands of years, and unfortunately, it is still being used today. Asbestos fibers are highly hazardous to your health, causing illnesses such as respiratory problems, cancer, and even death. Asbestos-containing materials are very common in older and some newer commercial buildings. The threat of this substance increases the older the building is. If you own an older commercial building, it is crucial to have a test completed. An asbestos test and inspection should be completed for the safety of you, your employees, and clients. Asbestos in commercial buildings can easily spread throughout the property once it begins to break down.
What should I do if my building hasn’t been tested for asbestos?
The first thing you should do is contact a certified asbestos removal company. They will answer any questions you have and schedule your asbestos inspection. Asbestos inspections are thorough and should only be completed by accredited asbestos professionals.
What happens if I have asbestos in my commercial building?
If the assessment comes back that you do have asbestos-containing materials, the asbestos professionals will come up with a plan of action. This plan of action will contain dates for your asbestos removal. They will also ask that the business is vacant because asbestos can float through the air.
How long will asbestos removal take?
It depends on how much asbestos-containing materials are inside your commercial building. It will also be determined by how large your building is. The removal process must be done slowly, as asbestos is highly hazardous. They will wear special suits and have the equipment to contain the asbestos as it is removed. They also have a licensed that are required to dispose of the asbestos.
Once the asbestos has been removed from your commercial building, they will check the area one more time to ensure all asbestos has been removed. After this, the asbestos professionals will allow you to re-enter your commercial building, knowing that the area is free from asbestos and that everyone is safe.