Remodels can be an exciting time, but they can also be dangerous. You are finally able to turn your living space into everything you ever dreamed. One thing we are sure you didn’t think of or dream about, was asbestos and asbestos exposure. This very hazardous substance could be hiding in plain sight. Your home could have asbestos in every room. Asbestos-containing materials were used for decades in the construction of homes. Is your home older? If the home is not newly built, there are chances your home could contain asbestos and even lead!
What Should You Do?
The answer is simple, call a certified asbestos abatement professional. Test before you remodel even the smallest remodel or renovation, it is important that you have the home checked out. Asbestos testing and inspections are simple and affordable. Asbestos-containing materials can cause major health problems. Below are a few areas that could contain asbestos:
- Tiles
- Roofing
- Flooring
- Insulation
- Textured Walls
- Popcorn Ceilings
- Adhesives
- Wallpaper
As you can see, asbestos could be anywhere inside your home. For safety purposes, call a professional such as Asbestos Abatement Services. They will be able to tell you if there is asbestos. If the home does contain asbestos, they will walk you through the removal process.
Never Remove Asbestos
It is very important to never try and remove asbestos yourself. If there is asbestos in your home, the remodel can wait. Asbestos exposure is known as the silent killer. It can stay in your system for years before it makes you sick. No one knows exactly when they were exposed to asbestos. The mineral is tiny and is usually inhaled. Asbestos abatement professionals have suits and equipment to remove the asbestos. They also have the proper licensing to ensure disposal is completed in a legal manner.