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Asbestos Information

Worker removing old flooring with adequate removal tolls

Retro Flooring Could Contain Asbestos

By Asbestos and Renovations, Asbestos Information, Household InfoNo Comments

Owning a vintage home is at the top of the list for many. Vintage homes are beautiful, and many have the original construction materials intact. Many wish to preserve many of the materials, which can be difficult. Keeping materials can be dependent on if the materials contain asbestos or lead. Vintage homes often have asbestos in many of the materials. To safely remodel and preserve your property, it is vital that you have a certified asbestos professional complete an asbestos inspection and test of the property.

An asbestos professional will be able to collect samples and have them tested, ensuring you know precisely what materials contain asbestos. This can be extremely helpful when completing remodels on vintage homes. Most people want to keep the retro flooring because of the way it looks. Depending on the test results, you may be able to keep the original. However, if the flooring does have asbestos, you can install asbestos-free flooring with a retro feel.

There are many options for the flooring that can ensure you and your family’s safety while keeping the look of your vintage home intact. The best thing you can do before moving into your vintage home is to have an asbestos inspection. These inspections are highly accurate and can give you peace of mind that your family is safe from asbestos exposure. It is important to know if there are asbestos-containing materials on the property before moving in.

If the property has asbestos, the asbestos will need to be removed as soon as possible. If the flooring does contain asbestos, it will need to be removed and replaced. As we stated above, there are many retro options to keep the vintage look of your property. Most parts of your vintage home can be replaced with materials that match the original look, minus asbestos fibers.

Professional in protective gear performing asbestos abatement

Asbestos Decontamination – Why A Trained Professional is Needed!

By Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials InformationNo Comments

As we all see in the media, asbestos exposure causes cancer, specifically mesothelioma. We know asbestos is a carcinogen and is still seen in older homes throughout the United States. Asbestos is deadly, and there are laws in place on federal and state levels about asbestos decontamination. Below, we will discuss asbestos decontamination and the importance of a certified asbestos abatement professional.

When asbestos abatement professionals begin a job, they start by sealing off the area. Once sealed, they bring in equipment and negative pressure machines to ensure no asbestos fibers can escape. They also seal off HVAC vents and wear respirators and suits to ensure that asbestos fibers do not attach to them or enter their bodies.

Once they remove the asbestos-containing materials, they will start sealing them and safely removing them from the property. Once they have removed the materials to a safe location, they will go through a decontamination process. This process is an extremely important part of the removal process because it ensures no asbestos fibers escape the immediate area. All equipment, tools, clothing, and workers will go through the decontamination process before they can leave the site.

By doing this, they prevent the asbestos fibers from exposing anyone in the immediate area. They will then take the asbestos-containing materials to a disposal location, where they present their licenses and certifications for disposal. It is unlawful to remove or attempt the removal of asbestos without the correct permits. These laws are in place to protect people from the harmful effects of asbestos exposure, including cancer and possible death.
If you have asbestos on your property, contact an asbestos abatement professional so that they can safely eliminate the asbestos and ensure your home and family are safe.

A macro closeup of a political globe focusing on the United States

Is Asbestos Banned In The United States?

By Asbestos Information, Asbestos RegulationsNo Comments

Asbestos has grown more popular over the last several years, as more people are realizing the actual dangers of asbestos exposure. We see law commercials and billboards and news articles and documentaries all surrounding asbestos and the hazards it causes. With all the media hype and the hard facts that asbestos is a hazard to humans, you would think asbestos would be banned in the United States. Shockingly, it is not prohibited and only regulated.

Asbestos Bans

Asbestos has been banned in areas around the world. In fact, 55 countries have banned asbestos, but the United States and Canada are not on the list. You would think that the United States would entirely ban such a dangerous fiber, but instead, they have enacted laws and regulations surrounding asbestos.

Asbestos kills people. It is plain and simple. Asbestos causes mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other severe respiratory illnesses. These illnesses are severe and can cause lifelong illnesses. Asbestos is found in older buildings, homes, and even newly constructed properties. Many do not realize that asbestos is not banned and could still be in their newly built homes. This is a cause of concern, as families believe they are safe in their homes until they are exposed to such a dangerous fiber. Asbestos exposure is not clear-cut. You do not know the moment you have been exposed. Asbestos will stay inactive in your body for up to a decade, where it will then begin to cause symptoms. These symptoms could be the start of a respiratory illness and even cancer.

Asbestos regulations do limit the use of asbestos and rules or in place to protect people from exposure, but with asbestos not being banned, there is always a chance for exposure. The best way to protect yourself is through education. A strong knowledge of asbestos and being proactive with asbestos testing can keep you safe from asbestos exposure.

Vintage staircase in an older home

When Is It Time To Hire An Asbestos Abatement Professional?

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos Information, Service InformationNo Comments

Hiring an asbestos professional can be stressful and confusing. When is the right time to hire an asbestos abatement company? Why Should I hire an asbestos abatement company? Can I remove asbestos myself? Below, we will answer your questions and explain the importance of an asbestos abatement professional.

Asbestos Removal

If your property has asbestos-containing materials, it is crucial to contact an asbestos abatement professional. If your home has been tested and there is asbestos, you will need to have it removed for your and your family’s safety. Asbestos is highly dangerous and could expose you and your family, leading to severe illnesses later in life.


If you own an older property, it is important to have the property tested for asbestos before you begin a remodel. A certified asbestos abatement professional can test your property to ensure it is free from asbestos. If there is asbestos, they will be able to remove it safely so that you do not risk exposure.

Commercial Demolitions

Another important time to hire an asbestos abatement professional is before you demolish a commercial building. Older commercial properties contain asbestos. A certified asbestos abatement contractor needs to be present so that they can safely contain the asbestos before the demolition takes place. Asbestos fibers are tiny and can float into the air during a demolition, causing exposure to neighbors.

You Own An Older Home

It needs to be tested for asbestos if you own an older home, as it likely contains asbestos. Asbestos-containing materials were used in insulation, roofing, wallpaper, and even flooring. If these materials begin to break down from wear and tear, they can cause exposure.

Asbestos Abatement Services provides asbestos inspections and removal services for commercial and residential properties.

White paint pealing off a residential building

Asbestos and Lead Can Lead To Extreme Illnesses

By Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials InformationNo Comments

Asbestos and lead are two hazardous materials that are commonly found in older buildings. Both commercial and residential properties were built using asbestos-containing materials and lead paint. Before the 1990s, both asbestos and lead were not seen as a threat. They were items that bettered the quality of construction materials. Once asbestos and lead were found to cause illnesses, they were better regulated. Asbestos is still not fully banned, but lead paint is no longer used.

Lead Paint

Lead paint is still found in older properties, even those that have been remodeled. While this may not be a hazard to most healthy adults, it can be dangerous for children, pregnant women, and the elderly. If your home has not been tested for lead paint and it is older, now is the time. Lead paint can be removed, which can keep your family safe from the many symptoms of lead poisoning. Lead poisoning symptoms include:
• Seizures
• Irritability
• Cognitive Problems
• Behavioral Issues
• Headaches
• Comas


Asbestos exposure causes many illnesses. From pleural thickening to lung scarring and cancer, asbestos causes severe respiratory illnesses. Some of the many symptoms include:
• Coughing
• Chest Pains
• Difficulty Breathing
• Wheezing
• Lung Pain
• Coughing Up Blood
• Fatigue

Asbestos-related illnesses do not show up as soon as you have been exposed. It is often years or even decades later before any symptoms occur.

As you can see, both lead and asbestos exposure are hazardous. Both can be avoided through the proper testing and safe removal of asbestos and lead from the property. If your home is older, consider having a lead and asbestos testing completed. It will give you peace of mind that your home is safe from the many illnesses of asbestos and lead poisoning.

Woman holding out four fingers

4 Facts About Asbestos That You Need To Know!

By Asbestos InformationNo Comments

We all know that asbestos causes mesothelioma. It is in the news, and we see many commercials from lawyers about asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, but what else do you know? Asbestos Abatement Services has four facts that you should know about asbestos. Knowing more about asbestos can help to protect you and your family from exposure in the future!

Asbestos Occurs Naturally

Asbestos is not manufactured. Asbestos grows naturally throughout the United States and other countries. Asbestos is mined from the Earth, which is why miners are commonly diagnosed with illnesses stemming from asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers are tiny and deadly. Asbestos comes in different forms, and all are considered carcinogenic, which means they are very hazardous to your health.

Asbestos Is Used In Other Items

We all know that asbestos was used in construction for decades, but did you know that it was used in other items as well? Asbestos has been found in makeup, talcum powder, school supplies, holiday ornaments, and other fire-resistant items like electric blankets. Asbestos was even used in firefighters’ equipment!

Illnesses From Asbestos Exposure Can Take Years Before Symptoms Occur

Once asbestos enters your body, it attaches to your lungs and abdomen, where it sits for decades. Asbestos exposure is so dangerous because you never know you have been exposed until years later. Asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma can take 20 or more years to show symptoms. Asbestosis and pleural thickening happen over time and can take several years to show. If you believe you have been exposed to the dangerous fiber, let your doctor know immediately.

Asbestos Is Classified By Friable and Non-Friable

Asbestos comes in many forms, but it is classified in properties as friable and non-friable. Both are equally dangerous, but friable is of immediate danger to you. Friable asbestos is asbestos that has been disturbed. This can occur from normal wear and tear or from remodels. Non-friable asbestos has not been damaged but can become friable at any moment. All asbestos fibers are hazardous and can cause severe illnesses and death.
If your home or business has asbestos, there is no time like the present for removal!

Open faucet and washbasin

Asbestos and Lead – A Deadly Duo!

By Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials Information, Household InfoNo Comments

Asbestos and lead are a duo of the more toxic hazardous materials that you will find on your property. The main reason being they cannot be seen by the unaided eye. You cannot physically see the dangers, which puts you at a higher risk. If you can see something harming you, you are more likely to have that material removed. Asbestos and lead are both silent killers because you may not know you or your family is being exposed until you develop symptoms or have the home tested.

Asbestos Testing

As we stated above, asbestos cannot be seen, making it even more deadly. Asbestos fibers can spread throughout your home, putting your entire family at risk. You can unknowingly expose everyone in the home through remodels. The only way to know for sure if your home asbestos-containing materials are through asbestos testing. An asbestos test is highly accurate, as samples are taken from different areas of your home. Once gathered, they will be tested at a lab. If your home has asbestos, it will need to be removed as soon as possible, as asbestos exposure is linked to cancers such as mesothelioma, severe respiratory illnesses, and even death.

Lead Testing

Lead poisoning is usually not a concern for the regular healthy adult. Lead poisoning generally affects young children, the elderly, and pregnant women. Lead paint was used for years in homes across the United States until it was found to cause severe illnesses. If your home is older, it is a wise decision to have it tested for lead. Lead paint can lead to behavioral problems, cognitive issues, comas, and even death. If you have or may have any of the above at-risk people in your home, a simple test can ease your mind and know your family is protected.

Asbestos Roofing Shingles

Why Should I Be Concerned With Asbestos Roofing?

By Asbestos Information, Hazardous Materials InformationNo Comments

Asbestos inside your home should be more dangerous than asbestos on the exterior right? Wrong! All asbestos is equally hazardous to you and your family. All asbestos puts you at risk of exposure. Asbestos roofing was used for decades because of the many benefits. Asbestos roofing was heat-resistant, strong, and cost-efficient. These were all positives for construction companies. At the time, they did not know the true danger of asbestos roofing. Asbestos roofing can quickly breakdown and cause exposure to not only your family but to your neighbors as well.
Asbestos roofing becomes friable and dangerous if it begins to break or come loose. This can occur from storm damages or just general wear and tear. Once the asbestos roofing is friable, the asbestos fibers can float through the air and into your home and the homes in your neighborhood. No one wants to cause harm to anyone knowingly, but by not removing your asbestos roofing, you are causing your family and others harm.

Asbestos roofing is still being found in homes throughout the United States. We are even seeing asbestos roofing in newer homes, which means no roofing is safe. The only way to know for sure that your roofing is safe is through an asbestos inspection. Asbestos fibers cannot be seen, and the only way to truly know if you have asbestos is through an inspection and test. These tests are highly accurate and will help you know if your roofing puts you and your family at risk.

Unfortunately, if you have asbestos roofing, you likely have asbestos-containing materials on the interior of your home as well. When your home is tested, they will test all areas of your property for asbestos. This will allow you to know if your home has asbestos or if you are safe from the dangerous fiber. If you do need asbestos removal, contact a professional for asbestos abatement. They will have all the tools and equipment to remove the asbestos from your property safely.

Man working with insulation in a home

Asbestos Removal and Your Property – 5 Tips to Help You Be Better Prepared!

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos Information, Service InformationNo Comments

Learning that your property has asbestos can be terrifying! This is, even more the case as we see more and more about asbestos and the risks it poses to you and your family. Cancer is a scary word, and asbestos can cause mesothelioma and lung cancer. Knowing that can send you into a panic. Luckily, Asbestos Abatement Services has some tips to better prepare you for the removal of asbestos from your property.

You Will Need to Leave Your Home

For the safety of you and your family, you will be asked to leave the property for the entirety of the asbestos removal process. Asbestos fibers are microscopic and can be easily ingested. Our team will wear respirators and other equipment for their protection. We never want to risk exposing you or your family.

Asbestos Removal Will Be Completed in Phases

Depending on the amount of asbestos in your home, it could take more than a day for removal. Asbestos removal is completed in phases where the area is sealed, and the asbestos is removed. Once removed, it is contained for safe disposal. This is done so that asbestos fibers do not escape to other areas of the property.

Asbestos Will Be Removed and Discarded in A Safe Fashion

A certified and licensed asbestos abatement professional will remove and dispose of the asbestos-containing materials. It is unlawful to remove or dispose of asbestos without the proper licenses. You can rest assured that the asbestos-containing materials will be removed safely and that your home will be safe upon your return.

Your Home Will Be Inspected Once Removal Is Completed

Once the asbestos-containing materials have been removed, the area will be inspected. This is to ensure no asbestos is left behind. We want your property to be safe, and one way we do that is through asbestos inspections.

Asbestos May Be in Your Insulation, Walls, and Even Roof

Asbestos-containing materials could be in all areas of your home. This surprised most people. We may have to remove parts of your roof, walls, and even your insulation. While it is shocking, it is also great to know your property is safe from the dangers of asbestos exposure and the many illnesses it causes!

Exterior of a home

Is Asbestos Exposure a Concern in My Own Home?

By Asbestos in the home, Asbestos InformationNo Comments

Your home is supposed to be your safe haven. It is where you raise your family. It should be the safest place on the planet, but asbestos could pose a very dangerous risk to everyone in your home. Most people think of asbestos exposure as occurring on the job. This was the case for decades. Most cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses were a result of occupations, such as miners, construction workers, and shipyard workers. After a while, healthcare professionals started seeing cases of women and children with asbestos-related illnesses. This was when it became more recognized that asbestos was used in construction materials of homes.

Asbestos in homes is not new and has been around since the 70s. It is just now becoming more known to the public because of lawsuits involving asbestos. Your home, whether it is older or newer, could contain asbestos fibers in the construction materials. While this may sound terrifying, there are ways to test your home. Asbestos Abatement Services provides asbestos testing, inspections, and asbestos removal from homes. If your property has never been inspected for asbestos-containing materials, it should be at the top of your list. This is especially the case if you are planning any home remodels construction work or do-it-yourself projects. Asbestos becomes a concern when it is disturbed. This can occur from wear and tear or remodeling.

Once asbestos has been disturbed, it becomes even more dangerous. Asbestos fibers are minuscule and not able to be seen. This allows the dangerous material to enter your lungs through your mouth or lungs, where it can cause a variety of illnesses and even cancers such as mesothelioma. If you own your home, the best thing you can do is have it inspected for asbestos.