Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that grows throughout the United States. Many believe that asbestos is manufactured because of its use in materials and because of how harmful it is to the human body. Asbestos has been utilized for centuries in all forms of products and for different reasons. Today, we see asbestos mostly in commercial and residential properties. The fibers were used in construction materials because of their durability, heat resistance, and affordability. The main problem with asbestos is the fact it can only be found through asbestos inspections and testing. Asbestos inspections are completed for a variety of reasons in residential and commercial settings. Below we will discuss the reasons one has an inspection, and which is best for your individual needs.
Commercial Asbestos Inspections
Commercial buildings have stricter guidelines when dealing with asbestos-containing materials. They require asbestos inspections for the following:
• Pre-Demolition
• Remodels and Additions
• Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
• Industrial Maintenance
As you can see, commercial properties are required to have asbestos inspections for many different projects. If demolition is needed, an asbestos contractor will need to be present for asbestos removal. This is to ensure asbestos is not released into the air, where it can travel to other areas, exposing those in the path. If you maintain a commercial property, it is best to contact an asbestos abatement company that knows and understands the regulations and laws regarding asbestos in commercial properties.
Residential Asbestos Inspections
Residential asbestos inspections are generally completed by the homeowner as a safety precaution. Older homes commonly contain asbestos in the materials, but we do see newly constructed properties that are positive for asbestos. Residential asbestos inspections are generally completed for the following:
• Remodeling Projects
• Residential Purchases
• Homeowner Safety
Most homeowners want to protect their families, and one way of doing so is through asbestos inspections.
Asbestos inspections and testing is completed using two types of testing. The first is completed by taking samples of materials that are then sent to a lab for results. This is a highly accurate test that can detect both friable and non-friable asbestos. The next type takes an air quality sample and shows if there is asbestos in the air. This type of test only picks up on airborne asbestos fibers. If you are in need of an asbestos inspection, contact your local asbestos abatement company. They will help you determine the right test for you and your needs!