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Myths About Asbestos That You Need To Know About!

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Asbestos is all over the media, but is everything they are saying true? In many cases, myths are being spread about the hazardous fiber. Luckily, Utah Asbestos Abatement has the truth about asbestos and would love to educate you on the hazards better.

It Is Easy To Spot Asbestos

This is a significant myth because asbestos cannot be visibly seen! Asbestos is incorporated into materials to create a sturdier and more fire-resistant product. There is only one way to know if a material contains asbestos, and that is through asbestos testing. We can all make assumptions based on the age of a home, but it is impossible actually to see the asbestos fibers in products.

Some Forms Of Asbestos Are Safe

While non-friable asbestos is not of immediate danger, it is still a danger to you and your family. All forms of asbestos are hazardous and can cause exposure, leading to illnesses and possible cancer. If a property has asbestos, it needs to be removed as soon as possible!

Asbestos-Related Illnesses Are Contagious

Asbestos exposure causes severe respiratory illnesses, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. It may seem that respiratory illnesses are contagious, but they are not in this case. Asbestos-related illnesses only occur in those who have been exposed to asbestos fibers.

Asbestos Exposure Only Occurs Through Specific Occupations

It was once thought that asbestos exposure only occurred in miners, construction workers, and other occupations where there was asbestos. Unfortunately, people are being exposed in their own homes. This makes asbestos exposure extremely hazardous, as we are now seeing children with asbestos-related illnesses.

Newer Properties Are Free Of Asbestos

Newly built properties are not immune to asbestos-containing materials. It was once thought that only older properties contained asbestos, but since asbestos is not fully banned, we are seeing new homes testing positive for asbestos-containing materials.

As you can see, there are many myths floating around about asbestos. It is important to keep up to date on all asbestos-related news. This helps to protect you and your family from exposure.

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