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Winter Weather Damage Your Roof or Siding? You Could Be Exposed to Asbestos

By March 5, 2020March 25th, 2020Asbestos in the home
Icicles hanging from a gutter

Winter weather can cause major damages to the exterior of your home. Your roofing and siding can easily become damaged and need repairs. Did you know that your roofing and siding could contain asbestos fibers? Most people have no clue that the exterior of their homes could have asbestos and that they could become exposed to the most deadly fiber in the world. 


Roofing was one of the main areas that asbestos fibers were used. Asbestos fibers are relatively heat resistant and very durable. These are two things that are needed for a good roof. Your roof protects your home from the hot sun and other elements. It is no surprise that asbestos fibers were used in roofing shingles. Unfortunately, most do not know this and will be quick to remove the damaged shingles and replace it with a new one. While it seems simple enough, it can cause you to become exposed to asbestos. 


Siding is another area of concern when it comes to exterior asbestos exposure. Siding is meant to withstand a beating, and asbestos fibers allowed that to hold true. Damaged siding can be a bit more challenging to replace, but we know of many people who will do it themselves to save money. While you may be saving money, you could end up with asbestos exposure. 

What Should You Do?

When it comes to asbestos exposure is smart to let a licensed professional handle the siding and roofing, but how do you know if your home exterior does contain asbestos? There is only one true way to know if your siding or roofing has asbestos-containing materials. A professional asbestos abatement removal company will take samples and they will be tested for asbestos. If you enjoy home remodeling, it would be a good idea to have an asbestos test completed. That way, you can have the peace of mind knowing your home is safe and that you do not risk asbestos exposure.

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