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When Is It Time To Hire An Asbestos Abatement Professional?

Vintage staircase in an older home

Hiring an asbestos professional can be stressful and confusing. When is the right time to hire an asbestos abatement company? Why Should I hire an asbestos abatement company? Can I remove asbestos myself? Below, we will answer your questions and explain the importance of an asbestos abatement professional.

Asbestos Removal

If your property has asbestos-containing materials, it is crucial to contact an asbestos abatement professional. If your home has been tested and there is asbestos, you will need to have it removed for your and your family’s safety. Asbestos is highly dangerous and could expose you and your family, leading to severe illnesses later in life.


If you own an older property, it is important to have the property tested for asbestos before you begin a remodel. A certified asbestos abatement professional can test your property to ensure it is free from asbestos. If there is asbestos, they will be able to remove it safely so that you do not risk exposure.

Commercial Demolitions

Another important time to hire an asbestos abatement professional is before you demolish a commercial building. Older commercial properties contain asbestos. A certified asbestos abatement contractor needs to be present so that they can safely contain the asbestos before the demolition takes place. Asbestos fibers are tiny and can float into the air during a demolition, causing exposure to neighbors.

You Own An Older Home

It needs to be tested for asbestos if you own an older home, as it likely contains asbestos. Asbestos-containing materials were used in insulation, roofing, wallpaper, and even flooring. If these materials begin to break down from wear and tear, they can cause exposure.

Asbestos Abatement Services provides asbestos inspections and removal services for commercial and residential properties.

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