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What Types of Asbestos Could Be Inside My Home?

Female hands hold asbestos mineral sample

Asbestos could be lurking in and around your home, and you would never know! Asbestos cannot be seen without a microscope, and it is impossible to know if it is part of your construction materials, unless an asbestos test is completed. This makes asbestos inside your home very dangerous. Asbestos fibers become disturbed through remodels, general wear and tear, and home disasters. Once the asbestos-containing materials become disturbed, they can move from room to room and expose your family.

Asbestos fibers can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other dangerous respiratory diseases. Below we will discuss the types of asbestos that could be inside your home.


The second most common type of asbestos fiber is called amosite. It has been used for centuries in different types of materials. Amosite is a sharp type of asbestos fiber that can easily become stuck inside your lung’s stomach, where it will sit for years until symptoms show. Amosite was used in construction materials and different consumer products.


The most common type of asbestos fiber is called chrysotile. It was used in many different types of materials over the years, including insulation. This type of asbestos can be found on over 90% of homes and buildings throughout the United States. The fibers are bendy and somewhat white in color. Many workers still come into contact with chrysotile daily. It is a hazardous type of asbestos.


Tremolite is not as common as amosite and chrysotile, but it has still been used in many products over the years. Tremolite fibers resemble amosite. They are also sharp but can come in different hues.

All six types of asbestos are dangerous, but the above three were used in construction, consumer products, and textiles throughout the years. If your home is older, it is vital that you have it tested for asbestos. Asbestos is known to cause many types of cancer and can lead to death.

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