Buying a new home should be an exciting time for you! This is especially the case if it is your first home! Many first-time homeowners are unsure of what inspections and testing should be done on their home. Before purchasing a home, you must have certain inspections completed. People will come in and check your homes structure and ensure it is in good condition, but what about asbestos? Asbestos inspections and testing does not occur to most people who are purchasing a home.
Asbestos is all over the news, but it couldn’t be in your home, right? WRONG! Asbestos could be inside your new home and you would never be the wiser. Asbestos fibers are so small, that you cannot see them. Asbestos is put into materials to make them heat resistant, strong, and cost effective. A piece of roofing with asbestos looks just like roofing without asbestos. How do you find out if your home does contain asbestos? The easy answer is through an asbestos removal professional.
Asbestos Testing and Inspections
Asbestos testing and inspections can easily be completed by a certified professional asbestos removal company. They will test your entire home to ensure it does not contain asbestos. This is important to have completed before you purchase your new home. If the home does contain asbestos, you can simply not by the home, or work with the sellers. Many times, the seller will either lower their price of the home or pay for the asbestos removal. This protects you and your family from illnesses in the future.
Before you sign any documents on the purchase of a new home, make sure it has had the proper inspections and tests completed. You want your new home safe for you and your family! Contact a company such as Asbestos Abatement Services. They will be able to ensure your home is safe from asbestos!