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My Home Has Asbestos – Can I Sell It?

For sale sign outside a home on the market

It is finally time to sell your home, but it is an older home, and it contains asbestos. What do you do? If you know that the home has asbestos, it must be disclosed to the buyer without a shadow of a doubt. If you do not disclose the information, you can be sued. When selling a home, you will need to have a property inspection completed. These inspections do not generally check for asbestos, but the buyer may want an asbestos test if the home is older.

What If I Am Unsure of Asbestos On The Property?

If you do not know for sure, you can have an asbestos test completed. You can also let the buyer decide if they want an inspection. It is best for you to have one completed because of the time and money it can save in the long run. If the buyer wants a test and it comes back that there is asbestos on the property, you may be asked to remove the asbestos or sell the home for a lower price to cover the asbestos removal.

Asbestos is highly hazardous and a danger to everyone that enters the home. If you are still living in the home, it is crucial to have a test completed if the home is older. Older homes could have asbestos in the insulation, roofing, tiles, walls, textured ceilings, and even adhesives. While we stated it is legal to sell a home containing asbestos, it is best to have it checked before putting your home on the market. You never want to unknowingly cause someone to become exposed to such a dangerous fiber. Asbestos causes cancer and other respiratory issues that can cause lifelong illnesses.

Hire a professional asbestos abatement company such as Asbestos Abatement Services for all your testing, inspection, and removal needs.

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