When you think of asbestos exposure, you think of people, mainly men, who have worked in construction, shipyards, railroads, are the military. You don’t think of children. However, we are now seeing an influx of children and women that are showing signs of asbestos exposure. How is this possible? Below, we will discuss a few ways children are becoming exposed to asbestos.
Secondary Exposure
Many children that have asbestos-related illnesses were exposed through secondary exposure. Secondary exposure of asbestos can happen in different ways, but it is mainly through family member’s clothes. If they work in a field where asbestos fibers are common, they likely bring those fibers home on their clothing and shoes. This means there are asbestos fibers in their car and inside the home. If the family member hugs their children when they arrive home, it is even more likely they become exposed.
The next place that children often become exposed to asbestos is through their own homes. If the home contains asbestos, the entire family will likely become exposed at some point in their lives. Old homes have more asbestos-containing materials, but some newer homes have also been found to have asbestos fibers. If you have children in the home, you must have the home tested for asbestos through a licensed professional.
Children are becoming exposed to asbestos, and the diseases are showing up at an earlier age than when adults are exposed. It is believed that children are more likely to develop an asbestos-related illness if they are exposed early in life, compared to older adults. If you have children, it is crucial to ensure their safety when it comes to asbestos fibers. Before doing any remodels or renovations, have your home tested for asbestos.
If you have a member of your family that works in a field where asbestos exposure could happen, ensure they are careful. They can shower and change clothes at their job or ensure they do not touch children until after they have taken a shower.