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Asbestos and Spring Remodels

Spring brings flowers, green grass, and most of all remodels. Remodels are supposed to be fun, but without the proper testing, remodels can be dangerous. Asbestos is easily disturbed during remodels and will expose everyone in your home. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to know if you have asbestos materials in your home.

Indoor Renovations

Your home could have asbestos fibers located in most areas of your home. From a popcorn ceiling to textured paint, your home might have undisturbed asbestos. Areas that are of concern are the following:

  • Textured Paint 
  • Ceilings
  • Wallpaper Adhesives
  • Flooring
  • Backsplashes
  • Caulking
  • Insulation
  • Drywall 

If the areas are in great shape, you are not in danger. Once you begin to remodel, you disturb the materials, causing asbestos to move through your home. Asbestos is small and can be transferred through clothing, HVAC systems, and the air. It is important to have an asbestos professional check your home before you do any major remodels. You want a safe remodel that won’t harm you or your family in the later years. Asbestos lies dormant in your body and takes decades to show symptoms. Be safe, have a professional asbestos abatement company check your house and handle any removal needs.

Outdoor Renovations

After winter, it is normal to clean up your lawn and take care of the exterior of your home. In doing so, you could disturb asbestos. Asbestos could be in your siding, insulation, roofing, and even adhesives. Before beginning an outdoor remodel or fix, you should have a certified asbestos abatement company check the area. Even though the asbestos is outdoors, you can easily transfer it into your home. This could lead to years of illnesses and medical bills. Before you decide to remodel, have your home checked, it is the easiest and safest way to determine if your home has asbestos.

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