Asbestos-related illnesses kill thousands of people each year. Asbestos has been silently killing people for decades. People walking around do not even know they have an asbestos-related illness. Once exposed, asbestos stays dormant in the body, for years. It can stay dormant for 10 to even 80 years, then begin to wreak havoc on the body. Asbestos has been used in construction materials for decades until it was recently found to be dangerous to people. Sadly, some construction materials still contain trace amounts of asbestos.
Asbestos can cause major illnesses. Many asbestos-related illnesses mimic those of allergies or the common cold. However, asbestos exposure also causes mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, and even death. It is very difficult to diagnose asbestos-related illnesses and can take a lot of medical tests to identify.
Asbestos-exposure is still happening in the United States. Many homes still have asbestos-containing materials. The only way to know if your home contains asbestos is through extensive testing. These tests are only completed by certified asbestos abatement professionals, like Asbestos Abatement Services. The inspection and test are comprehensive and will determine if your home contains asbestos. If your home does have asbestos, it will need to be removed as soon as possible.
Asbestos fibers aren’t visible. They are very tiny and are part of a material, like insulation. Asbestos fibers were meant to make products more durable and heat resistant. This is what makes asbestos so dangerous. You cannot see the threat, you can only feel it years later when you become ill.
If you are unsure if your home does contain asbestos, it is crucial to have it checked by a certified professional. Asbestos-related illnesses are very severe and can cause a lifetime of illnesses. Play it safe and have a check completed on your home, it will be one of the best decisions you ever make!