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Asbestos Removal – What Are The Dangers?

Kitchen and dining room in a home

Asbestos is dangerous. It is hazardous. It causes mesothelioma. We hear this over and over again, but do you know the real dangers of asbestos removal? Asbestos removal can be costly, which can lead people to attempt removal of asbestos from their homes. This is the worst possible idea, as asbestos is highly hazardous. Below we will discuss the dangers of asbestos removal.

Asbestos Can Float Through the Air

Did you know that asbestos fibers cannot be seen? They are that small! They can float through the air and into your air ducts, floating to other areas of your home, where they can expose your family. Asbestos exposure is a serious problem, and there is no cure.

Asbestos Can Attach To Clothing

Asbestos fibers are hook-like structures and can attach to virtually anything, including your clothing. If you are attempting to remove asbestos and walk to another area of your home, it is possible that you have transferred asbestos to your children and spouse.

Asbestos Is Easily Inhaled

Asbestos exposure happens quickly. Asbestos is ingested through your mouth or nose. This happens without your knowledge. Unfortunately, there is no way to rid the toxin from your body. It is best to never put yourself in the position to ingest asbestos fibers. Leave asbestos removal to the professionals and keep yourself healthy!

If your property contains asbestos, call a professional asbestos abatement contractor for safe removal. You never want to risk your life or the life of your family to save money. If you are unsure if your home has asbestos, contact an asbestos abatement professional for further inspection and testing. Having asbestos removed from your property by a certified asbestos professional is the smartest decision you can make!

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