Asbestos is banned in many countries, but the United States isn’t one of them. Some asbestos-containing materials are banned, but the fibers still exist in items used for construction, automotive, and fireproofing. There have been laws proposed to ban asbestos, but they have ultimately failed. With mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses becoming more widespread, it is no surprise that people are becoming more concerned.
With the extra attention, more people realize the true danger of asbestos and that it could be in their homes and businesses. The thought is terrifying. Knowing that something you can’t detect might kill you. Luckily, there are asbestos tests and removal services to ensure your home is clear and that you and your family is safe. Even though many items were banned, there are still asbestos materials used in homes around the United States. Asbestos is still used in the following items:
- Gaskets
- Brake Pads
- Millboard
- Flooring
- Roofing
- Fireproof Clothing
- Cement
The above items could easily be in or around your home. These items are usually safe until they start breaking down. Damaged items could expose you to asbestos. The breakdown could come from regular wear and tear or renovations to your home or business. If you want to do a remodel it is important to contact a professional company with the necessary certifications for removing asbestos before you begin the project. They will be able to test your home. If your home doesn’t contain asbestos, you will be able to go ahead with your remodel. If your home does contain asbestos materials, the professionals will devise a removal plan. The professionals will safely remove this hazardous substance from your home while keeping everyone safe. It is important never to remove asbestos containing materials. Professional removal companies have the proper equipment, suits, and licenses to appropriately dispose of asbestos. Even a small amount of asbestos can harm you later in life.