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Asbestos Inspections and Home Buying

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If you are in the market for a new home, it is important that you know about inspections. Most home inspections do not include asbestos. There are no laws that require asbestos inspections when purchasing a property. However, it is important that you know what an asbestos inspection is and why it is important before purchasing your next home.

What is an Asbestos Inspection?

Certified asbestos abatement professionals only complete asbestos inspections. This is a law, and the asbestos inspection will include all areas of your property. The asbestos inspection is very thorough, as samples will be taken, then checked by a lab for the presence of asbestos. Asbestos inspections and testing is very accurate and could save your life.

Why Do I Need One?

Purchasing a new home is exciting, but you should never let the excitement cloud your judgment. Asbestos inspections are an important part of home buying. If your property contains asbestos, you can ask the seller to have the asbestos removed or ask for a lower selling price for the property to have the asbestos removed. Knowing that your property has asbestos will also allow you to protect your family. Your home is a safe space and should be free from any dangers such as asbestos. Asbestos can cause different types of cancer and death. A simple inspection of your new home could keep you and your family safe.

As you can see, asbestos inspections and testing is a very important and vital part of your home buying. Before you sign any papers, ask for an asbestos inspection and test. Taking the extra steps and precautions is worth it to know your home is safe and free from asbestos-containing materials!

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