When it comes to demolition processes, especially for commercial properties, the rules become more strict. Commercial properties have specific rules and regulations that they must follow when starting a demolition process. Demolition of older buildings is quite common as companies want to build newer and more innovative buildings. With demolition and rebuilding usually comes more revenue for the states. As older buildings become new again, you see an increase in interest. While this is a great thing, commercial property demolition can be a headache for the demolition and construction teams.
Older buildings must be analyzed for asbestos before demolition can occur. If the test says the company has asbestos, an asbestos contractor will need to be a part of the demolition process. With the specific rules and regulations in place for asbestos-containing property demolition, the process can take longer. The demolition process for asbestos-containing buildings is a lot different. Instead of breaking down the old structure, more care will need to be taken.
The asbestos abatement contractor will devise a plan to begin removing the areas that contain asbestos first. This process can take time, as the areas will need to be sealed, and the asbestos abatement team will wear respirators and special clothing to enter the areas. Once inside, they will begin to remove the asbestos-containing materials. Once the materials are removed, they will carefully seal the asbestos for safe disposal from the building. This process will be completed over and over until all asbestos has been removed from the property. Asbestos demolition is completed so that no one is exposed to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can float throughout the air and can affect people in the general vicinity. Controlled demolitions still release particles into the air, floating to neighboring homes and businesses, exposing innocent people. If you are in need of asbestos demolition, always contact a certified asbestos abatement contractor for the safe removal and disposal of asbestos from the commercial property.