Asbestos exposure is a genuine problem that is just now gaining traction. Asbestos exposure caused devastating illnesses like cancer, which can lead to death. Asbestos exposure and the illnesses that occur from the exposure has been around for centuries, but it is not until the last few decades that laws and regulations were put in place to protect people while at their jobs. Below we will discuss some of the higher risk jobs, and the results might surprise you.
While some jobs have higher exposure rates, many common job sites have been found to have asbestos and cause exposure. You may be shocked to learn some professions that could be at risk.
Shipyard/Ship Workers
Ships contained a lot of asbestos. Shipyard workers were at a very high risk of asbestos exposure. Ship workers, including the military, were also at significant risk for exposure, as they worked on ships for extended periods of time. Asbestos is no longer allowed in ships’ construction, but many older ships still have asbestos, making exposure high.
Asbestos is a naturally growing fiber that is located in many areas where miners work. Unfortunately, even with protection, miners are at a higher risk for asbestos exposure.
Asbestos is a heat resistant fiber. This made it great for boilers and any areas exposed to heat for extended periods. Boilermakers were highly exposed to asbestos, and many still are.
Hospital and School Staff
Surprisingly, hospital and school staff are at risk of asbestos exposure. Many older buildings still contain asbestos. These buildings are often home to hospitals and schools. While there are plans in place to protect workers, the possibility is still there.
Construction Workers
Asbestos was used in a lot of construction materials. While asbestos is no longer used in most construction materials, the risk is still there for construction workers. Asbestos-containing materials are still being found in buildings throughout the U.S.