If we told you children were being diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses, would you believe us? We are now seeing an influx of childhood cases of mesothelioma and cancer from asbestos exposure. You may ask us how is this possible? Aren’t people usually exposed at their jobs? While most cases of asbestos exposure happen at job sites, it is becoming more common for secondary asbestos exposure to occur. We are seeing more women and children with asbestos-related illnesses. The numbers are shocking. Asbestos Abatement Services wants to keep you safe, so we will discuss a few ways better to protect your family and children from asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Testing
It is crucial that you have an asbestos test completed on your property. It does not matter if the property is newly built or from the 1980s. There is still a chance the home contains asbestos. Asbestos has not been entirely banned in the United States and is still being used in some construction materials. Even though the amounts are small, it can still cause exposure.
What Should You Do If A Member Of Your Family Works Near Asbestos?
Laws and regulations have been enacted to safeguard workers from asbestos exposure. However, this is not always the case. Many times, the source of asbestos exposure is unknown and could have happened at the worksite. Work clothes, shoes, and lunch bags can easily contain asbestos fibers. Asbestos fibers are hook-like and can attach and latch on to clothing. Once on clothing, the asbestos can enter your home. Once inside the home, it can become attached to you and your children’s clothes. The best way to offer protection is to change clothes and shower before you leave the job site. You should also wash your work clothes separately from other clothes.
As you can see, there are a few ways children can become exposed to asbestos. By taking the proper precautions, you should be able to protect your family from asbestos exposure.