Asbestos fibers entering your air ducts may be one of the most dangerous combinations. Asbestos fibers are microscopic and are not able to be seen. This makes it impossible to know if you have asbestos inside our home or business. The only way to really know is through a specialized test. If you have an older home or completed a remodel, there is a chance that you now have asbestos inside your air ducts. Asbestos can easily float from one room to the next and expose you. You can inhale or ingest the fibers without knowing.
How do I find out if I have asbestos fibers in my air ducts?
The only way to know for sure is with an asbestos test. If you have never had an asbestos test administered, it is a wise decision to do so. Certified and licensed asbestos abatement professionals should only administer the asbestos test. They will test the entire home for asbestos, including your air ducts. The test is very thorough and will find even trace amounts of asbestos fibers.
What should I do if they find asbestos in my air ducts?
If asbestos-containing materials were found in your home that was not disturbed, then you are lucky, and your air ducts should be fine. The asbestos will still need to be removed. However, if the air ducts do contain asbestos fibers, they will need to be replaced. A licensed and insured asbestos abatement team will come in and remove all the asbestos fibers from your home, this will include your air ducts. Once all the asbestos fibers have been removed, the company will test for asbestos a second time to ensure all the asbestos has been appropriately removed. Once cleared you will be able to enter your home. The air ducts will be replaced, and you will know that your home is now free from the dangerous fiber, known as asbestos.