Asbestos abatement may not seem like it is a deadly job, but the fact remains that it is. There aren’t a lot of deadly jobs, but asbestos abatement is considered to be one. Asbestos exposure causes severe respiratory illnesses and cancers such as mesothelioma and lung cancer, both of which can be deadly. Asbestos fibers aren’t able to be seen by the naked eye; because of this, exposure occurs without one’s knowledge. Once inside your body, the fibers will begin to cause damage slowly. Most people do not see symptoms from asbestos exposure for over a decade. When they finally do develop symptoms, the asbestos fibers have already caused lasting effects on the lungs and other zones of the respiratory system.
How Do We Protect You From Asbestos?
We work hard to ensure our clients are never exposed to asbestos fibers. From training to equipment, our team has the tools to successfully and safely remove asbestos from your property. Our team ensures that everyone has vacated the property before we begin the asbestos abatement process. This is one of the many ways we work to keep you safe. We then begin to seal off smaller areas of the property. The sealing, along with negative air machines and vacuums, ensures that no asbestos fibers leave the designated area. We work diligently to remove the asbestos-containing materials. Once removed, the materials are sealed so that no asbestos fibers can escape and enter other areas of the property. We repeat this process until all asbestos has been removed from the property.
Once the asbestos has been removed, we take it to a specific disposal site. Asbestos can only be removed and safely disposed of by people with the proper licenses and certifications. If you do not have the applicable licenses, you can be fined or even jailed for the unsafe removal of asbestos. These guidelines are in place to ensure that people are not exposed to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can float through the air, in air ducts, and even outside to neighboring properties, where people will unknowingly be exposed. If you have asbestos on your land, contact the right removal company for your needs.