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5 Reasons To Test Your Property For Asbestos

View of the outside of a home

Asbestos was used in many different construction materials throughout the 80s and even early 90s. During the 90s, the number of materials containing asbestos was cut drastically, thanks to rules and regulations. However, asbestos isn’t banned and is still used in some materials. Asbestos exposure is as dangerous now as it was decades ago. We are seeing younger people with asbestos-related illnesses. Below, Utah Asbestos Abatement will discuss five reasons you should have your property tested for asbestos.

Do It Yourself Projects

Many are a fan of DIY projects and consider it a hobby. If you own a home, it is best to test the property before you begin any projects. Disturbing asbestos-containing materials are common during projects and can cause asbestos exposure, which will lead to illnesses in the future.

Your Property Is Older

Properties built before the 90s are at a greater risk of containing asbestos in construction materials. Owning an older property comes with many responsibilities, and one should be testing for asbestos. Asbestos was used in insulation, flooring, ceilings, and even roofing. Your property likely contains asbestos, which, if damaged or worn, can cause asbestos exposure.

You Have Broken or Worn Materials

As with all older properties, it is likely you have construction materials that have become worn and damaged from wear and tear. This is common in older properties. Older and worn materials are highly dangerous because asbestos fibers are released and can float through the air and expose anyone in the general area.

Nature Damaged Materials

Storms and water damages are some of the main causes of damaged materials in structures. We can never predict when a natural damage may occur. If your property has asbestos-containing materials, you are at a high risk of exposure if damages do occur.

Construction Damaged Materials

Remodels and repairs are one way that damages occur during construction. If materials that contain asbestos are disturbed, it puts everyone at risk. It is best to have the property tested before any remodels of construction work begins.

As you can see, there are many reasons you should have your property tested for asbestos. Asbestos exposure can lead to severe illnesses, including cancers like mesothelioma.

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