We all know that asbestos causes mesothelioma. It is in the news, and we see many commercials from lawyers about asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, but what else do you know? Asbestos Abatement Services has four facts that you should know about asbestos. Knowing more about asbestos can help to protect you and your family from exposure in the future!
Asbestos Occurs Naturally
Asbestos is not manufactured. Asbestos grows naturally throughout the United States and other countries. Asbestos is mined from the Earth, which is why miners are commonly diagnosed with illnesses stemming from asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers are tiny and deadly. Asbestos comes in different forms, and all are considered carcinogenic, which means they are very hazardous to your health.
Asbestos Is Used In Other Items
We all know that asbestos was used in construction for decades, but did you know that it was used in other items as well? Asbestos has been found in makeup, talcum powder, school supplies, holiday ornaments, and other fire-resistant items like electric blankets. Asbestos was even used in firefighters’ equipment!
Illnesses From Asbestos Exposure Can Take Years Before Symptoms Occur
Once asbestos enters your body, it attaches to your lungs and abdomen, where it sits for decades. Asbestos exposure is so dangerous because you never know you have been exposed until years later. Asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma can take 20 or more years to show symptoms. Asbestosis and pleural thickening happen over time and can take several years to show. If you believe you have been exposed to the dangerous fiber, let your doctor know immediately.
Asbestos Is Classified By Friable and Non-Friable
Asbestos comes in many forms, but it is classified in properties as friable and non-friable. Both are equally dangerous, but friable is of immediate danger to you. Friable asbestos is asbestos that has been disturbed. This can occur from normal wear and tear or from remodels. Non-friable asbestos has not been damaged but can become friable at any moment. All asbestos fibers are hazardous and can cause severe illnesses and death.
If your home or business has asbestos, there is no time like the present for removal!