Asbestos is a very harmful fiber which grows naturally. However, it is not normally dangerous until it is disturbed. Disturbing the fibers can be done through remodels, damages, or regular wear and tear. It is hard to determine when asbestos-containing materials will break down. It could be years or hours. No one can tell. The only way to ensure your business is safe from hazardous materials is by having an asbestos inspection completed. Asbestos inspections should only be completed by a certified asbestos professional, such as Asbestos Abatement Services. They have the proper certifications and tools to complete the inspection properly.
What is an Asbestos Inspection?
An asbestos inspection is a thorough inspection of your business that checks every nook and cranny for asbestos-containing fibers. You can not determine if a certain material contains asbestos without an inspection and test. Asbestos could be in plain sight, exposing everyone in your business. There are several areas of your business that could contain fibers. Both your interior and exterior could contain the material. Below are just some items that could contain asbestos:
- Tile
- Adhesives
- Textured Ceilings or Walls
- Roofing Materials
- Insulation
- Wire Coatings
- Flooring
These are just some of the many items that could contain hazardous minerals in your business. Asbestos is still used in some construction materials. Whether your business is new or old, an asbestos inspection should be completed. Before you complete a remodel, purchase a business, or sell one, you should have an asbestos inspection completed.
Many states are now being proactive and require asbestos inspections before remodels and selling of properties. Check your local laws before doing any type of remodel, demolition, sell, or purchase. If you already own your businesses building, be smart! Check your business for asbestos. Asbestos inspections are not only affordable, but the asbestos inspection and test could save you, your employees, and clients lives.