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Workman at rooftop of building being remediated

Asbestos has been on the news, on billboards, in magazines, and all over the internet, but do you really know everything you should about asbestos? Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma and lung cancer and other horrible diseases, but what else is there no to know? Asbestos-related illnesses were caused by working conditions, but is that all you need to know? Did you know you and your family could be at risk? Well, you could be at risk, and the dangers could be inside your home. The one place you should feel safe and protected. Below, we will discuss 5 facts about asbestos that you need to know to protect you and your family!

Asbestos Could Be In Newer Homes

Asbestos is not banned in the United States, meaning it could still be showing up in construction materials. Most asbestos-containing materials are found in homes that were built before the late 80s. However, we are seeing newer homes that have asbestos.

Asbestos-Related Illnesses Do Not Show Up Immediately

Unlike cases of flu and viruses, exposure to asbestos can take decades to show up in the form of illnesses. Most people that have mesothelioma were exposed 20 or more years prior. The same holds true for asbestosis and other asbestos-related illnesses. You must protect yourself from being exposed to asbestos.

It is Illegal to Remove and Dispose of Asbestos

Special licenses and certifications are needed to remove and securely dispose of asbestos. It is a hazardous material that can make a lot of people sick. If your home has asbestos, contact a professional. Don’t risk illnesses or repercussions from the law.

Asbestos Has Been Used For Centuries

Egyptians and others used asbestos for pottery and textiles centuries ago. Asbestos was naturally growing and was found to be heat resistant and durable early on. There are also documented cases of illness from asbestos very early on.

Asbestos Fibers Can Travel

Asbestos fibers are very small and can float through the air and attack to clothing. If you come into contact with asbestos, you can easily bring it into your home or other areas on your clothing, shoes, and even lunchbox. Never remove asbestos-containing materials. It is very dangerous.

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