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Purchasing a Home? Complete an Asbestos Inspection Before Purchase!

Couple standing near new house with cardboard boxes

Purchasing a new home is a significant milestone in your life. It will be the place you raise your children, spend holidays, make memories, and grow old. Your home is a place you should feel protected. If you are looking into purchasing a home, you should consider having an asbestos test completed. During the purchasing process, a lot of inspections are completed on your home, but one that is often overlooked is the asbestos inspection. While your home’s foundation is important, it is also essential to have it tested for asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos fibers are known to cause lung cancer and mesothelioma. These types of cancer can lead to death. Before signing any papers, make sure you have an asbestos inspection completed.

Asbestos Inspections

Asbestos inspections are not at the top of the list when it comes to purchasing a new home, but it should be. Older homes are likely to contain asbestos, but even more modern homes have tested positive for asbestos-containing materials. If the home you are planning to purchase tests positive for asbestos, you will need to discuss options with the seller. Most times the seller will pay to have the asbestos removed from the property. This is the easiest and best option for you, but sometimes they will take the cost of asbestos removal and subtract it from the amount of your loan. This is also an option you may consider. Never sign any purchasing agreements until you have ironed out the details of asbestos removal. If the home tests negative, you should be excited to move in and raise your family in your asbestos-free home. For your peace of mind, make sure you have all inspections completed on the home you want to purchase– this will save you money and stress years down the line!

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