Winter is over and everyone is happy to see the first signs of Spring. Green grass and birds are everywhere. The weather is warmer and this sparks your desire to clean your home. Spring cleaning is done by millions of people each year and most do not realize the dangers of asbestos. Asbestos could be lying dormant in your home. Once you begin cleaning, there is a chance that you may disturb the asbestos. If this happens, your entire home and everyone in it will be exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is hazardous to your health and continued exposure can lead to death. Asbestos Abatement Services is here to educate you on the dangers of asbestos and Spring cleaning.
- Basements
Basements are not just the perfect breeding ground for mold, but they also can house asbestos. Asbestos may be hidden in insulation, tile, and even the caulking and cement in your basement. If any of these items are disturbed or broken, you are at risk of asbestos exposure. It is important to have an asbestos home inspection before doing any type of spring cleaning. This will give you peace of mind and keep you and your family healthy.
- Roof Cleanups
Replacing shingles and cleaning your roof seems like a normal activity. If your home is older, it could mean asbestos exposure. Roofing shingles once contained asbestos and if the shingles are worn down from the elements or are broken, you will be exposed. Have a professional handle any type of roofing. They have the proper equipment to safely fix your roof.
- Wallpaper Removal
With spring cleaning comes fresh wallpaper and painting. Wallpaper glue once contained asbestos. If your home is a bit older, it is important to leave the wallpaper alone until a professional has checked your home for asbestos. By removing the wallpaper, you allow the asbestos to circulate throughout your home. Once it gets into your HVAC system, it will expose your entire household.
- Textured Painting
Removing textured painting or popcorn ceilings should never be done unless it is completed by a professional. Professionals have the proper equipment to remove textured paint safely. The textured paint or popcorn ceiling may contain asbestos. Once you begin removal, you will be exposed to asbestos and it will be hard to remove once it becomes airborne.
- Broken Tile Cleaning and Removal
Broken floor or ceiling tiles could contain asbestos. Always have a professional handle broken tiles. A simple asbestos inspection could save you from wondering if your home is asbestos free. If you have an inspection of your home and you do not have asbestos, then feel free to enjoy your spring cleaning and any projects that it may lead to.