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Asbestos has become quite a hot topic, but what do you really know about asbestos? Asbestos Abatement Services has all the information to educate you on asbestos better and the real dangers. Below we will discuss five things you need to know about asbestos and its dangers to society.

Friable VS Non-Friable Asbestos

Asbestos is dangerous, but there are two categories of dangers. Friable and non-friable asbestos are the two categories that asbestos-containing materials are grouped into. Friable asbestos is the most risky, as it is already beginning to breakdown and could cause exposure at any moment. Non-friable asbestos is still dangerous but not an immediate threat. Non-friable asbestos has not been disturbed but still needs to be removed.

Asbestos Could Be Inside Your Home

All homes could contain asbestos, even newly built ones. If you own an older home, it is far more likely to contain asbestos, but newer homes are also being found to contain asbestos. The only sure way to know is through a professional asbestos abatement test. These tests are very comprehensive and are sent to a lab for confirmation.

Asbestos Is Still Being Used In Products

The United States has not banned asbestos in products. Products are still being imported that contain trace amounts of asbestos. While this may not seem like a huge problem, even small amounts of asbestos fibers can cause devastating illnesses.

Asbestos Caused Deadly Illnesses

Asbestos caused severe illnesses such as cancer. Mesothelioma is only caused by asbestos fibers, while lung cancer is also a known illness from exposure. Asbestos exposure caused respiratory illnesses that can become deadly.

Asbestos Testing Is Available

Asbestos testing can be completed on any building in the United States. This is the only real way to know if you have asbestos-containing materials on your property. If you are unsure, have a test completed by a certified asbestos professional.

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